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Rejuvenate Your Skin for the New Year with Laser Skin Resurfacing

laser skin resurfacing

Also called lasabrasion, laser skin resurfacing is a popular treatment option for patients with skin irregularities.

Even those who take good care of their skin over the years might develop cosmetic issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars that are incredibly difficult to treat without professional assistance.

If you are no longer happy with the appearance of your skin, then take a look at how this treatment works and what you can do to prepare for your own procedure.

Understanding Laser Resurfacing

While there are multiple types of laser resurfacing treatments, they are all similar in how they work: a pulsating laser is used to carefully remove skin layer by layer.

Once the damaged skin has been removed, the new skin that grows back is often much more toned and youthful in appearance.

This procedure can be used to treat a number of cosmetic issues such as acne scars and facial wrinkles. We welcome the opportunity to explain how we can tailor the treatment for you.

Preparing for Your Treatment

Patients may need to tell their surgeon about any medication or supplements they are taking.

For a list of medication that you may need to avoid days before the surgery, contact us.

Patients who smoke may need to stop smoking at least two weeks before the surgery and plan on not smoking for some time after their procedure.

The Results

Depending on what was treated, patients may need around two weeks for the skin to completely heal. During that time, their skin will peel every few days as the new skin forms.

You may need to refrain from using makeup during that time and may have to plan on using broad broad-spectrum sunscreen over the following months.

With more aggressive treatments and the proper aftercare, patients will often be able to enjoy their youthful new appearance for a year or longer.

What Makes a Good Candidate

If you are dealing with the visible signs of aging including wrinkles, lines, or have some kind of facial scarring, you could make a good candidate.

Contact Us Today

Contact The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery today to schedule a consultation. We will review your medical history and cosmetic goals to determine if laser skin resurfacing will benefit you.

Our practice is dedicated to helping patients with their skin care needs and we offer a variety of services including chemical peels, liposuction, and more treatments to accomplish this goal.

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