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Frequently Asked Questions

Years ago, it was easy. You chose from a menu of surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation which might be coupled with a skin resurfacing treatment. But now, almost each surgical procedure has a noninvasive counterpart to treat the same problem or condition.

With a less expensive price tag and less downtime, the issues related to noninvasive procedures boil down to: “What results and how much longevity can I get from noninvasive treatments?”

It’s a good idea to know all your options. Your ideal procedure will be based on your facial features, skin quality, ability to tolerate downtime, economic resources and aesthetic sensibility. You can’t make these choices alone.

Our team of trained surgeons and support staff at the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery will guide you based on a facial assessment supported by years of experience treating patients with similar concerns and facial features.

Though in general, the surgical options are more expensive, the nonsurgical treatments will undoubtedly need to be repeated, and will likely give a more subtle result.  It is up to you, with support from out team to do the math and weigh your options.

Here is a sampling of some of the surgical facial procedures and their noninvasive counterparts that are currently available, plus additional Frequently Asked Questions at the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery.

Q: Brow Lift or Botox?
A: Surgical solution: A brow lift, also called a forehead lift, corrects skin wrinkling and drooping that causes your eyebrows to sag and excess skin to hood your upper eyelids. This procedure can soften the deep creases across your forehead, and reduce frown lines.Non-surgical option: Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are neuromodulators that relax the muscles underneath the skin to prevent wrinkle formation. They are FDA-approved to treat the lines that form between your brows. They have also been successfully used to treat other lines or wrinkles caused by facial expression, such as bunny lines, lines across your forehead, and crow’s feet.  This simply procedure is safe and effective, lasting anywhere from 3-6 months.

Call us at 407-409-8000 to book a consultation to further discuss your options.

Q: What are my options for tired looking eyes?
A: Surgical options include upper and lower Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery.   Upper eyelid blepharoplasty removes the excess fat and sagging skin of the upper eyelids that can make you look tired or sad and corrects a puffy upper eyelid appearance.  Lower eyelid blepharoplasty can eliminate under eye bags caused by excess lower eyelid skin.  Lasers can further help iron out fine crepe-paper type wrinkles.  The result is a more alert and rested appearance.Non-surgical options include injections of Botox, Dysport or Xeomin to minimize Crow’s feet. When injected above the eyebrows, Botox or Dysport can also provide a ten-degree lift to the arch and a slight lift to the tail. To soften eye bags, dermal fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm can be used.  Again, the surface of your skin can also be smoothed by a laser resurfacing treatment.
Q: I want to enhance my mid-face: Cheek Implants, Fillers, or Your Own Fat?
A: Surgical solution:  Cheek implant surgery can accentuate your cheekbones and replace lost cheek volume.  These are fitted uniquely for the individual, taking into account your facial anatomy and desired look.  For some patients, your own fat can be used to augment your cheeks, but there is some variance to survival of that fat.Non-surgical option:   Filler injections (Volume, Perlane), or a collagen stimulator (Sculptra or Radiesse) are also great cheek enhancement options, which are more predictable. In addition to balancing your face, injectable facial fillers can lift your cheeks to create a youthful appearance.
Q: Rhinoplasty or Injectables?
A: Surgical solution: Rhinoplasty is a very popular surgery that can reshape your nose to remove a nasal hump or reduce an enlarged tip. It can also improve the angle between your nose and upper lip.Non-surgical option: A Botox or Dysport injection in the divider between the nostrils (above the upper lip) can also lift the tip of your nose. Bumps on the nose can be minimized with injections of soft tissue fillers, such as Perlane and Radiesse. In some patients, tissue fillers are added to help shape the nose.Call us at 407-409-8000 to book a consultation to further discuss your options.
Q: Facelift or Injectables?
A: Surgical option: A facelift can reverse the effects of gravity, tightening deeper tissues, firming up excess loose skin and addressing the volume changes that occur with aging. Excess skin can be removed at the same time. Liposuction can remove excess fat under the neck.Nonsurgical alternative: Injectable soft tissue fillers can be used to lift and diminish jowls, lift corners of the mouth, and minimize wrinkles, folds and lines. These fillers include Sculptra, Voluma, Juvederm, Restylane, and Perlane. ThermiRF can be used to help tighten neck skin and melt some fat beneath the chin.It is important to know what’s available, so you can get more out of your plastic surgery consultation. But not every option is appropriate for every face. Your next step is to get the benefit of your plastic surgeon’s trained eye. Call us at 407-409-8000 to book a consultation to further discuss your options.
Q: Saline or Silicon? Are Breast Implants Safe?
A: There seems to be a lot of confusion about the safety of breast implants, which is a result of the different marketing tactics used by manufacturers.In 1992, the FDA placed a moratorium on silicone gel breast implants, and saline breast implants became the standard. Approval granted in 2006 allowed for silicone gel implants, the round, gel-filled breast implants that are now widely available. Anatomic-shaped silicone gel implants, also known as “gummy bear implants,” have only been approved in the U.S. since April 2013.In 2006, the FDA released silicone breast implants back on the market after studies were unable to clearly link the silicone gel implants to any specific illness, including autoimmune diseases or cancer.People often consider the saline implants to be safer, due to fewer worries about leakage of the saline, as the body will absorb the saline and the implant will deflate. The downside is that the patient may wake up one morning having lost all volume on one side and remain asymmetric until it can be replaced. Since this is not considered a medical emergency, this could take a few weeks to schedule the necessary surgery.People who prefer gel implants like them because they are softer to the touch and feel more natural than the saline implants. They can also look more natural as well. Silicone implants have less of a tendency for rippling at the top of the breast, which is an unwanted side effect of many large implants which stretch and thin the overlying tissue, and is usually worse with saline implants than silicone.  This can be reduced even more with anatomic gel implants.

The gel in most round implants has the consistency of jelly, which is thicker than before. The form-stable anatomic gel implants have gel which maintains its shape even better, often being described like a gummy bear consistency, and are slightly firmer.  They can provide a more natural looking breast form, and can also help shape a breast which needs more fullness, especially in the lower portion of the breast. This often occurs with women who have tight or constricted breast deformities.

Anatomic gel implants tend to cost more, and require more expertise in placing them. Using them requires more planning and precise dissection by the plastic surgeon.

Breast augmentation is still one of the most popular procedures in the nation. The options available to improve breast shape and volume continue to increase our ability to give better results, tailored to what the individual is seeking.

Dr. Sylora has been using these implants since they became available and regularly attends educational conferences and lectures regarding these implants and other new advances in plastic surgery. It is her priority to gain as much education and skills to be able to offer the best new technologies to her patients to produce the best options and outcomes.

Q: What is the Best Age to Get Plastic Surgery?

Due to the variety of procedures available in plastic surgery, there can be no blanket rule on age although age will be taken into consideration when planning your operation.

People of all ages have taken advantage of the image-enhancement and confidence boost offered by plastic surgery.  There are even procedures appropriate for young children, such as Otoplasty (ear pinning surgery) r breast revision surgery (correcting uneven sized breast in young adults).

It is important to realize the limitations of plastic surgery.  Plastic surgery cannot “fix” every situation or reverse the aging process.  What is a good procedure for one person may not be an appropriate procedure for another.

We are committed to making your plastic surgery experience a successful one.  Please call us today to schedule a consultation 407-409-8000 to consult with our board certified plastic surgeons.

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