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How Does Eyelid Surgery Work?

eyelid lift surgery


At Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Orlando, FL, we specialize in providing exceptional eyelid lift surgery procedures to help you achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Our team of highly skilled professionals, led by Dr. Richard Gregory,  is dedicated to delivering personalized care and outstanding results. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of eyelid lift surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, and shed light on how this procedure can address various concerns.


Understanding Eyelid Lift Surgery

This treatment is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the eyelids by addressing issues such as excess skin, sagging muscles, and fat deposits. It is a versatile procedure that can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, depending on the patient’s specific needs. The goal of eyelid lift surgery is to create a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance by addressing common concerns such as droopy eyelids, puffy bags under the eyes, and fine lines.


The Treatment Process

Evaluation and Customized Treatment Plan

The journey to achieving your desired results begins with a thorough consultation at the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery. During this initial meeting, our experienced surgeon will evaluate your facial anatomy, discuss your concerns and goals, and perform a comprehensive examination of your eyelids. This evaluation is essential to determine the most appropriate approach for your treatment and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.


Upper Eyelid Surgery

Excess skin and fat deposits on the upper eyelids can create a heavy, hooded appearance that may contribute to a tired or aged look. Upper eyelid surgery involves the careful removal of excess skin and fat, along with any adjustments to the underlying muscles. The incisions for this procedure are strategically placed within the natural creases of the eyelids to ensure minimal scarring. Through these incisions, Dr. Gregory will precisely remove the excess tissue and sculpt the eyelids to create a more youthful and refreshed contour.


Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower eyelid surgery targets concerns such as under-eye bags, puffiness, and loose or wrinkled skin. The procedure involves making incisions either just below the lower lash line or on the inside of the eyelid (transconjunctival approach). Through these incisions, the surgeon will reposition or remove excess fat deposits and address any sagging or laxity in the lower eyelid muscles. By carefully sculpting and tightening the lower eyelid area, a smoother and more vibrant appearance can be achieved.


Combination Surgery

In some cases, patients may benefit from a combination of upper and lower eyelid surgery to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation of the entire eye area. This approach allows for a harmonious balance between the upper and lower eyelids, addressing both the excess skin and fat deposits. Our experienced surgeon will discuss this option with you during your consultation if it is deemed appropriate for your specific concerns.


Anesthesia and Surgery

This treatment is typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation, ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will make precise incisions based on the predetermined treatment plan. The excess skin, fat, and muscle tissue will be skillfully addressed, and any necessary adjustments or tightening will be made to restore a more youthful and natural appearance. The incisions will then be meticulously closed using fine sutures.


Recovery and Results

After your treatment, you will be provided with specific post-operative instructions to promote proper healing and optimal results. It is important to follow all post-operative instructions and attend your scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure a smooth and quick recovery. The final results of this treatment become more apparent as the healing process progresses, typically within a few weeks to a few months.


Ideal Candidates

Excessive Skin and Fat Deposits

Candidates for this treatment often exhibit excess skin and fat deposits around the upper and/or lower eyelids. This can create a heavy, droopy, or puffy appearance, making the eyes look tired and aged. Ideal candidates have significant amounts of excess skin or fat that affect the aesthetics or functionality of the eyes.


Sagging or Hooded Upper Eyelids

Aging, genetics, or factors like sun exposure can cause the upper eyelids to droop or develop a hooded appearance. Ideal candidates may have sagging skin that impairs their vision, causing discomfort and hindering their daily activities. This treatment can address these concerns by removing excess skin and tightening the underlying muscles, resulting in a more alert and youthful eye appearance.


Under-Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Some individuals develop prominent under-eye bags and dark circles due to genetics, aging, or lifestyle factors. Ideal candidates for this treatment may have these concerns that cannot be effectively addressed through non-surgical treatments. This treatment can remove or reposition fat deposits and tighten the skin to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags and improve the overall contour of the lower eyelids.


Consultation and Evaluation

The final determination of an ideal candidate for this treatment is made during a thorough consultation and evaluation with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. Our lead surgeon will assess your specific concerns, medical history, facial anatomy, and expectations to determine the most appropriate surgical approach and expected outcomes.



Youthful and Refreshed Appearance

This treatment effectively addresses common signs of aging, such as droopy eyelids, under-eye bags, and fine lines. By removing excess skin, tightening muscles, and repositioning fat deposits, the procedure can help you achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated look.

Improved Vision

In cases where excess upper eyelid skin obstructs your field of vision, this treatment can provide functional benefits by lifting and eliminating the excess skin. This can significantly enhance your peripheral vision and overall eyesight.


Enhanced Eye Contour

By precisely sculpting and repositioning the eyelid tissues, this treatment can create a more defined and aesthetically pleasing eye contour. It can help restore symmetry to asymmetrical eyelids and improve the overall balance of your facial features.


Reduced Under-Eye Puffiness

Lower eyelid surgery specifically targets the removal or repositioning of fat deposits that contribute to under-eye bags or puffiness. This can result in a smoother and more rested appearance, giving you a refreshed and rejuvenated look.


Long-Lasting Results

The results of this treatment are typically long-lasting, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your improved eyelid appearance for many years. While the natural aging process continues, you can expect your eyelids to maintain a more youthful and refreshed appearance long after your procedure.


Boost in Self-Confidence

Improving the appearance of your eyelids can have a significant impact on your self-confidence and overall well-being. Feeling more confident about your eyes can positively influence how you perceive yourself and interact with others in various aspects of life.


Customized Approach

Each individual has unique eyelid concerns and goals. The beauty of this treatment lies in its customized approach. Our experienced surgeon will carefully evaluate your specific needs and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your concerns and achieve your desired outcomes.


Minimal Scarring

This eyelid lift surgery is typically performed using discreet incisions along the natural creases of the eyelids. This approach helps to minimize the visibility of scars and ensures a more natural-looking result. Over time, any residual scarring will fade and become less noticeable, further enhancing the aesthetic outcome.


Expert Surgical Techniques

When choosing the care of our skilled and experienced surgeon, you can benefit from the latest surgical techniques and advancements in this treatment procedure. These techniques aim to provide optimal results with reduced downtime and faster recovery, allowing you to return to your regular activities as soon as possible.


Enhanced Facial Harmony

By addressing sagging or asymmetrical eyelids, the procedure creates a more balanced and proportionate facial appearance. The improved eye contours can harmonize with other facial features, creating a more pleasing overall aesthetic result.


Meet Our Specialist

Dr. Richard Gregory is a highly skilled and trusted specialist in this treatment. With his extensive qualifications and expertise, he has established himself as a leading authority in the field. With years of experience in performing this procedure, Dr. Gregory has honed his surgical skills and refined his techniques. He has successfully helped numerous patients achieve their desired aesthetic outcomes and is committed to high-quality care throughout the treatment process.

Join Us Today

This treatment is a transformative procedure that can rejuvenate your eyes and restore a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Contact us today at Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Orlando, FL to schedule a consultation. Dr. Gregory and our team of skilled professionals are dedicated to providing exceptional care and delivering outstanding results. Driven by a commitment to excellence, we tailor each treatment procedure to meet the specific needs of our patients, ensuring natural-looking and long-lasting outcomes.



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