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How Does Male Breast Reduction Work?

male breast reduction surgery

Roughly half of the men in the country are affected by gynecomastia, a condition that causes excessive breast tissue growth. If you have male breasts, you don’t have to struggle with your self-confidence. You may be a good candidate to have your condition treated with male breast reduction surgery at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL.

How Does Male Breast Reduction Work?

How male breast reduction can benefit you depends on your unique case. If you only have excess chest fat, only liposuction will be required to help you achieve your desired aesthetic. If you have too much breast tissue because you suffer from gynecomastia, you must have that tissue surgically removed. During surgery for gynecomastia, we can also remove any excess skin you have and tighten loose skin.

What Happens During Liposuction?

Before your fat removal procedure begins, you will be administered anesthesia to keep you calm and comfortable. Then, we will make small incisions in your chest through which a cannula will be inserted. After that, around a quarter of the fat cells in the area will be suctioned through the cannula and out of your chest. Once the excess fat is removed, your incisions will be closed. After an observation period, you will be free to return home.

How Much Fat Can Be Removed During Surgery?

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons advises that up to 11 pounds of fat can be removed with liposuction. However, surgery can usually only remove around a quarter of fat cells in each area of concern, including the chest.

How Long Will the Results of My Surgery Last?

How long you can expect the results of your procedure to last depends on which procedure you undergo and other factors. You can enjoy permanent fat removal results if you get liposuction. If you get surgery to remove your excess breast tissue, how long you can enjoy your desired aesthetic depends on what caused the excess tissue growth in the first place.

If you develop gynecomastia because of a hormonal imbalance, your physical symptoms may return if you do not restore balance to your hormone levels. If you are taking certain drugs, like antibiotics, HIV medications, and tricyclic antidepressants, that cause excess breast growth, you should stop taking the drug to enjoy your desired results for as long as possible.

What Health Conditions Can Cause Gynecomastia?

There are many medical conditions that can cause gynecomastia. For example, pituitary insufficiency, Klinefelter syndrome, and similar conditions can decrease your testosterone levels, resulting in gynecomastia. Certain types of tumors can also result in such a severe hormonal imbalance that you start growing excess breast tissue.

You can also develop gynecomastia if your body produces too much thyroxine due to hyperthyroidism. Furthermore, you may develop gynecomastia if you suffer from malnutrition. If your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs, your testosterone levels can drop significantly. Additionally, gynecomastia can be developed due to liver problems, like cirrhosis or liver failure. Drugs to treat these conditions can cause gynecomastia.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Type of Surgery?

To find out if male breast reduction surgery is appropriate for you, an initial consultation with Dr. Sylora is required. Dr. Sylora will evaluate your chest to determine if your appearance is caused by excess fat, excessive breast tissue, or a combination of both factors. She will then discuss your health to confirm that surgery will be safe for you.

To be considered a good candidate for surgery, you must be in fairly good health. You should be free from bleeding disorders and heart conditions that require you to take a daily anticoagulant or NSAID. You also should have realistic expectations about the results of surgery. During your initial consultation, Dr. Sylora will advise you on what gynecomastia correction can do to help you determine if it is right for you.

How Will I Need To Prepare for Surgery?

Several steps are required to prepare for male breast reduction surgery. You must undergo a medical evaluation to ensure that you are healthy enough to undergo surgery. You also must quit smoking for at least two weeks post-op to help ensure your blood pressure is normal at the time of your procedure. Furthermore, you must not take any drugs that cause blood-thinning or impede coagulation.

It also may be required for you to fast for several hours before surgery. Depending on the health of your heart and lungs and the scope of your procedure, getting general anesthesia may be highly advisable. If you get general anesthesia, you won’t be able to drink clear liquids for at least two hours pre-op. Additionally, you won’t be able to eat or drink dark liquids for many hours before surgery.

What Can I Expect After Surgery?

You will be free to return home once your procedure is complete. However, we must watch you for a few hours first to ensure that you are sufficiently alert before you can go home. Keep in mind, though, that you will not be able to drive for a few days after surgery. You must not drive within 24 hours of getting anesthesia, and you can’t drive within 24 hours of taking certain analgesics.

You must be as active as you can as shortly as you can after surgery. However, you must not push yourself too hard. Strenuous cardiovascular activities and lifting weights should be avoided for at least a month post-op. If you have a sedentary job, you should anticipate needing three or four days off from work to recover from your surgery.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

Male breast reduction works by removing the excess tissue negatively affecting your appearance. If you feel like your chest looks too feminine due to excess fat deposits, liposuction may be your best option. If you have excess breast tissue, it must be removed to restore your desired contours. To determine if this procedure is right for you, contact us now at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL to schedule an evaluation.

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