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How Long Do Rhinoplasty Results Last?

Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a nose job, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. In fact, it is so popular that it was the third-most commonly performed aesthetic procedure in 2018. At The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, we are proud to offer this procedure to help our clients breathe better and feel more confident in their appearance. Read on to discover everything you need to know about this procedure. 

How Long Do Rhinoplasty Results Last? 

You can expect the results of your nose job to last for the rest of your life. However, follow-up procedures are required sometimes. For example, you may need a follow-up procedure if you are in a motor vehicle accident and hit your nose on the dashboard of your car. You also may need a follow-up procedure if your nose is injured after a fall or during a sports match.

How Quickly Do the Results of This Procedure Become Apparent? 

It can take up to 14 months for your new nasal contour to refine fully. However, in some cases the final results of this procedure become apparent after only 12 months. How soon you see the final results of your procedure depends on how long it takes your skin and cartilage to heal and settle into their appropriate position. Note, if you are having a deviated septum corrected, you won’t have to wait a full year for an improvement in year breathing.

How Can I See My Final Results Sooner? 

To reiterate, the final results of this procedure are not immediately apparent because your cartilage and skin need time to heal post-op. To see your final results as quickly as possible, you need to make your recovery your top priority. Here are some actionable steps you can take.

Have Someone Stay With You for a Few Days

It is highly advisable to have someone stay with you for the first few days following your procedure. If you don’t live with someone who can take care of the house for you and help you take care of yourself, ask a friend or loved one to at least drop by and check on you periodically. You can expect to feel tired for  at least 24 hours following your procedure due to the anesthetic used to keep you comfortable during your rhinoplasty.

However, you should understand that everyone responds to anesthesia differently. Some people are only groggy for a few hours after waking up from anesthesia, and others feel unusually tired for a few days post-op. Regardless of how you feel during the first few days after your nose job, you should rest as much as possible.

Make Rest a Priority

It takes a lot of energy for your skin and cartilage to heal after rhinoplasty. Therefore, resting should be one of your top priorities. If you start to feel sleepy, don’t drink a cup of coffee or reach for an energy drink to keep you awake. Head for bed and enable the Do Not Disturb feature on your phone so your slumber can only be disrupted if someone important calls you.

When you’re getting ready for bed, make sure you’re setting yourself up for success. Two hours before bedtime, avoid all sources of blue light. These include the screen of your phone, your television, and your computer monitor. You also may want to stop drinking a couple of hours before bed and turn down the temperature in your home a few days. Research suggests that the optimal ambient temperature for sleeping is between 60 and 67 degrees.

Sleep With Your Head Elevated

To facilitate rapid healing, you should sleep with your head elevated above your heart.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is another great way to facilitate rapid skin healing. Your skin needs to be hydrated to heal itself after your procedure, but it isn’t enough to moisturize your skin once or twice per day. You need to make sure your entire body is hydrated by drinking at least three quarters of a gallon of hydrating fluids daily. Staying hydrated will allow your skin to produce plenty of healing collagen and help your circulatory system so nutrients flow.

If you find yourself struggling to drink 96 ounces of water, tea, and coffee daily, focus on eating foods with a high water content to contribute to your daily hydration requirements. Great choices include broccoli, citrus fruits, and broth-based soups. Broccoli is a great choice because it is high in protein and vitamin C in addition to water. Citrus fruits are a great choice because they, too, are high in both water and vitamin C.

Eat Plenty of Protein

Eating plenty of protein is also essential in the weeks following your procedure. Collagen is a crucial protein that helps your skin heal itself. However, your skin needs amino acids to produce the collagen it needs to heal itself. Individual protein needs vary, but sedentary men only need 56 grams of protein daily, and sedentary women only need 46 grams of protein daily.

A good target to shoot for during your recovery period is around 50 or 60 grams of protein per day because you won’t be very active. However, you will be able to resume your intense workout routine just six short weeks following your procedure. If you start to exercise intensely at that point, you may need to increase your protein consumption, particularly if you are trying to build more muscle.

Eat Plenty of Vitamin C

Besides water and amino acids, your skin also needs vitamin C to produce collagen. You need to get at least your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C during this time. As stated above, good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and broccoli. Also, other cruciferous vegetables are high in both vitamin C and protein.

Go for a Walk

Another way to shorten your recovery period is to go for regular walks. Walking is a great way to encourage your skin to heal because it supports a strong, healthy circulatory system. Your circulatory system plays a critical role in the speed of your recovery because it delivers essential micronutrients, like vitamin C and amino acids, to your nose incision sites. If you’re hydrated, your skin can use these micronutrients to produce collagen.

Note, you should not walk farther than you feel comfortable walking, especially during the first few days following your procedure. If you push yourself too hard too soon after your procedure, you will only lengthen your recovery period. Listen to your body and rest when you need to. You may want to walk around your house for the first few days after your procedure so you can sit down and rest as long as you need to when you get tired.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure? 

You need to come in for an initial evaluation to determine whether you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty. During this initial evaluation, your health will be discussed to ensure there are no medical conditions that may disqualify you. Once we have determined you are healthy enough to undergo this procedure, we will discuss your concerns to ensure this is the right procedure to help you achieve your goals. Here are some signs you’re a good candidate: 

Is My Deviated Septum Really a Concern? 

Sometimes, a deviated septum is so mild that the nose does not appear crooked from the outside. However, even if your nose looks symmetrical, you should still strongly consider having your deviated septum fixed. You may not currently have a serious problem, but a deviated septum can worsen over time, leading to such problems as sleep apnea, congestion, snoring, nosebleeds, sinus infections, and difficulty breathing.

Find Out Today Whether You Qualify for a Nose Job

If you don’t like the size or shape of your nose, a nose job may be able to help. It can also be used to make breathing easier, facilitating better sleep. To find out whether you are a good candidate for this procedure, contact us today at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL to schedule your initial consultation. We can also evaluate you at one of our offices located in Orlando, FL or Altamonte Springs, FL if that is more convenient for you.

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