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How Long Does Liposuction Take?

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Accumulating excess body fat is a frustrating challenge, especially when it appears in the midsection, buttocks, and other areas. You’ve likely tried many diets and exercise routines to combat it, but sometimes these just don’t yield the desired results. At The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, we offer liposuction services to remove stubborn fat deposits and help our patients finally achieve their aesthetic goals.

How Long Does Liposuction Take?

It typically takes between one and three hours to perform liposuction, depending on the area being targeted and the amount of fat being removed. However, it is not just the surgery itself that takes up time.

Several preoperative and post-operative procedures can add extra time to your visit. That’s why we recommend extending your stay for a full day. This will allow us ample time for evaluations, prep work, medical staff attention during and after surgery, as well as medication management and other follow-up measures before going home.

Where Does This Treatment Work Best?

Areas commonly targeted with this treatment are the chin and neckline, back, upper arms, stomach and waistline, hips and buttocks, thighs and knees, or calves and ankles. We customize each individual’s procedure to target specific areas and are proud to deliver natural results for every patient.

How Long Does Lipo Take to Show Results?

Generally, patients begin to see the full effects of their treatment anywhere between two and three months after the procedure. However, some individuals may start noticing changes in their body curves as early as four weeks following the treatment.

The amount of fat removed during surgery can affect how quickly you start seeing your results. If only a small amount of fat is removed from the targeted area, you may be able to notice results sooner than if a larger amount was taken away.

Why Does It Take So Long To See Results After Lipo?

Naturally, people want to know why there is a delay between the lipo procedure and the time it takes for the skin to retract. The answer lies in the body’s natural healing process, which requires time for the body to recover from any surgical procedure.

During this healing process, collagen production around the treatment area begins, which helps tighten and firm up the skin. This can take some time to produce results as collagen production and healing are slow processes.

Factors to Consider

The time it takes to see results can also be determined by factors such as age, lifestyle habits, genetics, diet, and the overall health of a patient. For example, if an older patient has thin or lax skin prior to surgery, then they may take longer than someone who has healthier or younger skin that is able to contract better post-surgery.

Similarly, those who smoke or have poor lifestyle habits, such as consuming large amounts of alcohol, can slow down their recovery times. Patients who maintain good diets and exercise regularly tend to recover faster than those who do not prioritize their well-being.

How Much Weight Do You Lose During Lipo?

Our patients typically lose between three and five pounds of fat after treatment. This amount can vary, however, depending on several factors, such as the amount of subcutaneous fat present in the area being treated and the technique used by the surgeon.

The FDA has approved liposuction as a safe and effective treatment suitable for removing up to 11 pounds of fat from a single area in one procedure. To determine how much weight you will lose post-lipo, we will consider how much fat is located in the area that is to be treated and how much can be safely removed.

Can Fat Come Back After Lipo?

The promise of this Liposuction procedure is that, once the fat cells have been removed, they cannot grow back. This is primarily why lipo has proven to be such a successful fat-reducing procedure — it actually reduces the number of fat cells instead of just temporarily altering their size.

However, it’s crucial to be aware that even though you may see permanent results from lipo, there may still be fluctuations in body weight as other areas may accumulate fat instead. So, although lipo takes away volume in one area, it is essential to maintain your body weight in order to ensure long-term results.

How Many Sizes Do You Go Down After Lipo?

The answer may vary for each individual depending on the amount of fat removed, but most patients see a dramatic change in their body shape and size. On average, most of our patients go down two dress sizes after undergoing lipo. This is a significant drop that can be seen in waist circumference measurements.

We take our clients’ measurements before and after surgery to ensure that we are tracking their progress toward achieving their desired body goals. We also take pictures before and after the procedure so you can compare the results and get an idea of what kind of difference lipo made to your figure.

What Is the Ideal BMI for Lipo?

The ideal BMI for liposuction is between 18 and 30. Having a BMI higher than 30 increases the associated risks of complications and can lead to unsatisfactory results. Note that even if someone has a BMI within the 18-30 range, they may still not be right for lipo, as other factors, such as underlying medical conditions, are taken into consideration, as well. The BMI is calculated by dividing an individual’s weight (in kilograms) by their height squared (in meters).

In general, if someone’s BMI is greater than 30, then they are considered obese; if it falls between 25 and 29.9, then they are considered overweight; if it falls between 18.5 and 24.9, then they are considered normal weight. If the BMI falls below 18, a person is considered underweight. Individuals with a BMI over 30 should avoid undergoing major surgical procedures due to the increased risk of complications.

Tips to Stay Healthy and Comfortable As You Heal

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Water helps to flush toxins from your system, nourish tissue cells, keep organs functioning properly, stabilize electrolyte levels, and maintain overall health. Staying well-hydrated also supports post-operative healing by promoting blood flow in the body. Try drinking at least eight glasses of water per day after surgery to keep your body properly hydrated.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Resting and getting plenty of sleep helps with energy levels and reduces fatigue, allowing your body to focus on the healing process. It is best to get at least 8 hours of sleep per day. Additionally, sleeping on your back or side will ensure that pressure is not placed on any treated areas while you rest, which can disrupt healing.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

For at least four weeks after the surgery, avoid any activities that may cause strain or put too much pressure on your body, like weight lifting. Doing too much too soon can increase swelling and re-open incisions, making your recovery longer than necessary.

Wear Compression Garments As Directed

Wearing compression garments helps reduce swelling and improve circulation both before and after surgery by supporting treated areas while they heal. These garments should be worn according to instructions given by the doctor. Wearing the garments too tightly can cause discomfort while wearing them too loosely won’t provide adequate support.

Massage the Treated Areas Gently

Massaging treated areas daily helps improve circulation. This encourages lymphatic drainage — the removal of unwanted fluid buildup under the skin caused by surgery — while also improving blood flow to treated areas in order to speed up the healing process. When massaging, make sure that you use gentle circular motions with minimal pressure applied so that your skin does not become irritated or inflamed during this time.

Keep the Surgical Area Clean and Dry

Dirt and moisture can lead to irritation, infection, and swelling. Take special care while bathing, as the tub or shower can be full of germs and bacteria that could cause harm to your healing body. Using a gentle cleanser that has antiseptic properties can be beneficial. Always remember to pat the surgical area dry gently instead of rubbing it vigorously after bathing.

Make Your Body Goals a Reality

Are you struggling to achieve your desired body shape? Liposuction can help reshape areas of your body by removing localized fat from stubborn areas. It generally only takes about one to three months for you to see the full results of this cosmetic procedure. Contact The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, today to schedule your consultation.

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