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How Should You Prepare for Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery Orlando, FL also known as blepharoplasty, can correct a number of issues in the eye area. Whether your concerns are cosmetic, functional, or both, we at the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, offer this surgery to lift drooping eyelids and improve your quality of life.

How Do I Prepare for Eyelid Surgery Orlando, FL?

As with many things in life, preparation is key to success with blepharoplasty. Though it is not considered to be a major surgical procedure, you should still prepare and plan carefully. Taking the right steps in the run-up to the procedure and being sure to follow all the instructions given by your surgeon are the way to ensure the best possible outcome.

Attend Your Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is the most important step on your journey to Eyelid Surgery Orlando, FL. It is a chance not only for us to assess your suitability for surgery, but for you to decide whether this surgery is the best option for you. We will go through the treatment process in detail, discuss your aesthetic goals with you, and create a tailored approach to achieve those goals.
As well as your goals, we will also ask you about your general health and any medications or supplements that you take regularly, as some medications are not compatible with surgery. This meeting will also be a chance for you to ask any questions you have about the procedure and share any worries and concerns. If it turns out that this procedure is not the best option for you, we will suggest other ways that we can help you reach your goals and improve the look of your eye area.

Implement Any Suggested Lifestyle Adjustments

Once your consultation is over and you’re booked in for your procedure, it’s time to begin following our preparation recommendations. During your consultation, we will have taken a full medical history, including any medications that you are taking. If any of these can cause the blood to thin, then we may recommend stopping them temporarily.
There are also a number of alternative medicines and nutritional supplements that can have the same effect, including St John’s Wort, ginkgo, ginseng, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, and omega 3 oil. You should avoid alcohol and smoking before this procedure, as these can both affect the body’s ability to heal well. You should also avoid getting too much sun exposure, as you will not be able to have surgery if your eyelids are irritated due to sunburn. We would recommend wearing a shady hat and staying out of the sun for a week before your surgical appointment.

Arrange Post-Surgery Support

Arranging for some post-surgery support is very important. The most important of these is that you will need to arrange transportation from our clinic to your home after surgery; you will not be able to drive yourself home. You may also want to arrange for someone to help you for a few days after surgery, as having someone available to assist you with daily tasks, transportation, and basic needs can make your recovery easier.

Stock Up on Essentials

As you prepare for the surgery day and the days that follow, ensure you’ve stocked up on essentials to aid in your recovery. For the first few days after the procedure, you will need lots of rest, nutritious food, and an ample supply of any medications that you take regularly. Create a cozy and restful space at home where you can recover comfortably, with everything you might need within easy reach.

Prepare Mentally

You should prepare yourself mentally for the procedure, and be sure that you understand the recovery process. This operation is well tolerated by the vast majority of patients, but if you have any worries or questions, you should not hesitate to get in touch with us at the clinic. We know that it is normal to feel nervous before any sort of procedure and will be happy to reassure you, answer any questions, and remind you of the preparation steps you need to take.

After Surgery

After eyelid surgery, you will be discharged to recover at home. However, that doesn’t mean that that’s the last you’ll hear from us. You will have follow-up appointments to ensure that you are healing well. In addition, you should not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns ​about how you are feeling or the progress of your healing journey.

What Can Surgery Treat?

Excess Skin and Wrinkles

As we age, it is natural for skin to become less tight, and there are various genetic and lifestyle factors that can contribute to experiencing this loss of elasticity earlier in life or more severely. If you have sagging or excess skin on the upper eyelids that affect your vision or creates a tired appearance, blepharoplasty can address this. By removing or repositioning the skin this surgery helps to create a more youthful and refreshed look around the eyes, which can give a rejuvenated look to the whole face.

Undereye Bags or Swelling

Lower eyelid surgery can be recommended to address puffiness, bags, or swelling under the eyes, which can result from aging, genetics, or lifestyle factors.

Impaired Vision

Drooping upper eyelids, also called ptosis can sometimes obstruct vision. In such cases, eyelid surgery Orlando, FL can lift the eyelids, improving both appearance and vision.

Other Functional Issues

It is not just impaired vision that can be treated with blepharoplasty. For individuals experiencing functional issues related to eyelid skin, such as difficulty applying makeup, discomfort, or irritation, surgery can provide functional improvements.

Go Forward With Confidence

It’s natural to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety as you prepare for any surgery, but following these preparatory steps gives you the best chance of a great outcome. From preparing your living space to preparing yourself mentally, you can ensure that you feel confident as you approach surgery, and smooth your recovery process afterward. To find out more or to schedule a consultation for blepharoplasty, get in touch with us at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Orlando, FL.
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