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Is a Tummy Tuck Right for Me?

Do you have loose skin and excess fat in the abdominal area that won’t respond to diet and exercise? Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for slimming down, but you can’t always get your desired results from it. If you have recently gone through pregnancy or weight change and want to have a smoother body contour, you may consider a tummy tuck surgery. We have board-certified surgeons at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, who perform this procedure.

Is a Tummy Tuck Right for Me?

A tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, can be a life-changing procedure if you are unhappy with the appearance of excess fat and loose skin on your midsection. Also, if you have weakened or separated abdominal muscles after pregnancy, the surgery can restore and repair your muscles.

Abdominoplasty is an effective cosmetic procedure for improving your body shape. We can perform it to help you eliminate excess fat and skin, as well as flatten the area above and below the belly button. It’s not a substitute for regular exercise and a healthy diet, but it can be the key to helping you achieve your ideal figure and desired look.

Are You an Ideal Candidate?

Did you experience unwanted changes in your body after childbirth or significant weight loss? If you want to restore the natural appearance of your abdominal area, you may be an ideal candidate for abdominoplasty. It’s a good option if you are looking for an effective, permanent way to improve your appearance and boost your confidence. We can help you determine if this procedure is right for you.

One of the most common questions we get asked is whether abdominoplasty is safe and suitable for a person or not. Excellent candidates for the procedure are:

Who Should Not Have the Surgery?

Having cosmetic surgery can make you feel like you’ve “bounced back” after pregnancy or weight gain. However, you must be at or near your goal weight before undergoing the procedure. Your results from the surgery can be affected by significant weight changes in the future. The surgery can successfully remove excess fat, but it cannot prevent the accumulation of additional weight that results from an unhealthy, inactive lifestyle.

Those who cannot commit to a healthy, active lifestyle may not be suitable for the surgery. Additionally, women who have plans for a future pregnancy may not get long-lasting results from abdominoplasty.

What a Tummy Tuck Can Do for You

Cosmetic surgery can give you a confidence boost and inspire you to live a healthier lifestyle. To get the best out of it, you must have realistic expectations about what the procedure can accomplish. Generally, abdominoplasty can help tighten your core muscles and give your stomach area a firmer, flatter appearance. You can benefit from the surgery if you wish to have a slimmer figure and eliminate excess fat and stretch marks.

Remove Extra Fat

A more toned, contoured abdomen can boost your self-image and make you feel confident enough to wear form-fitting clothes. Have you been carrying excess fat and loose skin around the midsection? Abdominoplasty can help you achieve significant results. The surgery is ideal for getting rid of fat that resists diet and exercise.

Repair Weakened and Separated Muscles

Pregnancy and childbirth can cause you to suffer from weakened and separated abdominal muscles. By performing abdominoplasty, we can repair and suture separated abdominal muscles, restoring your pre-pregnancy look.

Eliminate Excess Skin

Loose, extra skin that hangs around the abdominal area can make you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious. If you want to get rid of the excess skin that does not respond to exercise, abdominoplasty can help. We can safely remove a certain amount of skin, helping you get closer to your aesthetic goals.

Reduce Back Pain

Do you suffer from back pain? Abdominoplasty can tighten and repair weakened stomach muscles that provide much-needed support. The surgery can help alleviate back pain after your abdominal muscles have been restored and excess fat has been removed.

Improve Posture

Having an abdominoplasty can also help you slouch less and observe an improved posture. Tightening your stomach muscles and removing excess fat can change the way you hold your body.

The Different Types of Tummy Tuck

There’s more than one way to perform an abdominoplasty. Which type of surgery is right for you? We can help you choose based on your aesthetic goals and expectations for the surgery.

Full Tummy Tuck

Traditional abdominoplasties are known as a full tummy tuck. If you have a moderate amount of excess skin and fat in your abdominal area, this surgery can be suitable for you. Do you wish to have a flatter, smoother midsection after pregnancy? A traditional abdominoplasty can also eliminate some of your stretch marks.

To perform a traditional abdominoplasty, we make an incision from hipbone to hipbone. The surgery requires good access to internal structures so that we can tighten weakened muscles and reposition tissues for a natural-looking result. For more dramatic results, we may also perform liposuction to remove excess fat. The result is a smoother contour that looks good in form-fitting clothes.

Mini Tummy Tuck

Are you bothered by the appearance of a small belly pooch? A mini tuck is ideal if you have minimal excess skin and fat below the belly button. This type of abdominoplasty is less invasive than traditional abdominoplasty, so you can expect to have a faster recovery time. You’ll be able to resume your usual activities and return to your daily lifestyle sooner.

We perform the procedure by making a small incision near the pubic bone. From there, we tighten abdominal muscles and move tissues for a more toned, firmer appearance. Finally, liposuction can be performed to make the area look slimmer. A mini tuck is best for those who feel self-conscious about their lower belly area and want to achieve a slimmer, flatter appearance.

Extended Tummy Tuck

If you require significant body contouring, an extended abdominoplasty can be performed. We can make a longer incision that goes beyond your hips and around the navel. As a result of the surgery, you can expect to have tightened abdominal walls and a slimmer, smoother figure. In addition, we can remove the sagging skin from your upper and lower abdomen. To achieve a natural-looking appearance, we can reposition your belly button. Finally, liposuction is performed to eliminate unwanted fat.

An extended tuck can improve the shape of your abdomen and achieve dramatic results. And if you are looking to achieve better contours, you can experience great benefits from this type of surgery. During your initial consultation, we’ll make recommendations based on your unique anatomy and personal goals.

Achieve a Tighter, Flatter Abdomen

You deserve to feel positive about your body and self-image. Have you experienced a life-changing event, such as childbirth or significant weight change? Cosmetic surgeries can help you get closer to your ideal self. To learn more about our cosmetic procedures, contact us at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, and we’ll provide you with all the support, knowledge, and guidance you need.

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