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Is Dermaplane Okay for Mature Skin?

dermaplane treatment

The simplest treatments are also sometimes the most effective. At The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, we’ve certainly found that to be true with dermaplane treatment. Using nothing more than a medical-grade scalpel, dermaplaning can rejuvenate your entire appearance. It’s pain-free, non-invasive, and takes just a short time to complete. And it’s safe for a variety of patients.

Is Dermaplane Treatment Okay for Mature Skin?

Dermaplaning is more than “okay” for mature skin. It’s a great way to rejuvenate the skin at any age, especially as the hands of time start to fade that youthful sheen. Mature skin tends to develop unwanted layers of dead tissues as cellular turnover slows. Those dead cells can cause your complexion to look dull and tired. By removing them, you immediately see a brighter tone that also looks softer, firmer, and more youthful.

Before we go further, let’s explain what a dermaplane treatment does. It’s a form of physical exfoliation that involves a sterile surgical scalpel. With this instrument, we make light, relaxing motions across the face to remove the top layer of dead cells and fine, vellus hair. You likely know this hair as “peach fuzz,” and it’s commonly found in people of all ages.

Peach Fuzz

Peach fuzz is softer and lighter than other hairs on the body. Although it’s rarely visible to others, you probably see these fine strands every day when you look in the mirror. Removing them at home can be tricky. Traditional razors scrape and tear skin, while depilatory creams can irritate sensitive tissues. Dermaplaning, on the other hand, uses practiced motions with a tool that effectively smooths skin.

Many people believe removing peach fuzz causes it to grow back faster, thicker, and darker. But this is categorically untrue. Regular dermaplaning helps keep peach fuzz at bay. As strands do grow back, they will be the same color and texture as before.

How Dermaplaning Helps the Skin

Besides helping mature skin look younger and more refreshed, dermaplaning offers several additional benefits. It triggers a cellular regeneration process that makes skin more receptive to prescription acne medication, anti-aging creams, and other skincare products. It even lends a more natural appearance to makeup so skin looks soft and dewy.

A dermaplane treatment can also make a chemical peel more effective. With vellus hairs removed, your face no longer holds as much dirt and oil. The peel’s ingredients can therefore sink more deeply and provide enhanced results. But even without a peel, you’ll enjoy skin that is healthy, smooth, and bright.

Diminishes Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Dermaplaning is one of those therapies that help turn back the hands of time. Its deep exfoliation helps stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin. Collagen, that all-important ingredient we hear so much about, serves as a building block for protein. It’s found throughout the body and, in the case of an injury, floods the area to speed healing and create fresh skin.

This same principle is at work with dermaplaning. After the scalpel feathers across the skin, the body goes to work increasing collagen levels to create new, firmer tissues with fewer lines and wrinkles. And this is a treatment that can be regularly repeated to maintain consistent results.

Eliminates Acne Scars

Regardless of the age at which it develops, acne can wreak havoc on skin. It causes dark spots, leaves scars, and mars an otherwise perfect complexion. Dermaplaning can help correct these imperfections as it scrapes away dead cells and prompts brand new collagen. This means skin with zero scarring.

Restores Your Glow

Washing and moisturizing your face is crucial to a healthy skincare routine. But these simple acts are not enough to scrape away dead, dying, and damaged skin cells. That’s why we need dermaplaning, and after treatment, you’ll notice a rosy tint to your skin. This is not a side effect, but rather the result of thick, luscious blood rushing to your face and delivering much-needed nutrients.

The fresh tissues that ensue also provide the perfect canvas for a reliable skincare routine and makeup application. But be warned: you may not want to cover that new glow with cosmetics.

What to Expect from Your Session

The first thing you should know is that patients often describe dermaplane treatment as relaxing. We use light but precise movements to remove all unwanted debris while you lie back and rest. But before we get to this point, we typically cleanse skin to clear away germs and other harmful bacteria.

Once your skin is properly prepared, we glide the scalpel across your skin. This isn’t done haphazardly. Instead, we hold the scalpel at a specific angle to remove even embedded oil. The movements of the blade can best be described as fast and floaty. We apply just enough pressure to eliminate debris without harming delicate tissues.

How We Proceed

In most cases, treatment starts at your forehead and moves down across your cheeks before finally reaching your chin. Your lips, nose, and eyebrows will be avoided. Once we’ve finished with the scalpel, we may apply moisturizers and other products that match your skin type. This is a great way to rehydrate the skin, especially underlying tissues often obscured by peach fuzz.

Dermaplaning is a wonderful stand-alone treatment but can also be complemented by other therapies, such as a HydraFacial, dermal fillers, or the chemical peel we mentioned earlier. Choosing to combine treatments allows you to address more skin concerns and enjoy broader results. Simply speak to us about which treatments are right for your needs, and we’ll build them into your personalized treatment plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many patients aren’t sure when they should consider treatment. We keep it simple and suggest dermaplaning is ideal for anyone who feels frustrated by common signs of aging. Fine lines around your nose, eyes, mouth, or cheeks can be effectively erased, but other concerns can also be addressed with treatment, including:

A single session can yield excellent results, but patients typically choose to have ongoing appointments. As part of your routine skin care, dermaplaning can keep your skin soft and smooth and help improve the body’s natural regeneration process.

Can I Do This Myself?

While it sounds simple in premise, dermaplaning is not a DIY skincare treatment. The blade must be held carefully at a 45-degree angle throughout the therapy. Otherwise, you may cut your skin and cause an infection. In addition, those blades sold for at-home use are duller than surgical scalpels and not approved by the FDA. You therefore shouldn’t trust them to be used on your face.

How Long Will I Need to Heal?

Most patients return to their regular activities immediately following treatment. You won’t want to rub, scratch, or otherwise manipulate the treated area, and we may give you additional instructions that pertain to your specific needs. But dermaplaning is relatively straightforward and doesn’t require a “recovery” period. Even makeup can be applied as soon as your session is complete.

Energize Your Skin

Dermaplaning can energize your skin by allowing new, healthy tissues to replace those that are old and tired. It’s perfect for mature skin, as it works to erase fine lines and promote cellular turnover. And patients enjoy beautiful results that can be maintained with periodic re-treatments. Schedule your consultation today by contacting The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL.

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