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NeoGraft Hair Restoration

NeoGraft hair restoration

The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery offers Neograft hair transplant restoration treatments as a discrete treatment option for patients going through the emotional experience of hair loss. This automated system provides patients with discrete, natural-looking results without the lengthy recovery period or risk of linear scarring associated with other hair transplant treatments.

Benefits of Neograft hair transplant Restoration:

Are you interested in learning more about the Neograft hair transplantrestoration treatments offered at the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery? If you are looking for a hair transplant Orlando, contact our office in Celebration today for more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rosas! 

What is NeoGraft?

Dr. Donovan Rosas performs all the Neograft hair transplant restoration treatments at the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery. This automated hair transplant system uses the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method to remove individual donor hair follicles from the sides or back of the head and implant them in balding areas or areas experiencing hair loss. The NeoGraft method allows Dr. Rosas to reduce the procedure time and double the number of grafts transplanted per treatment.  

When will I see results?

The grafted hair remains in place for about two to three weeks after the treatment before shedding. Shedding is a normal part of the new hair growth cycle and should be expected. The final results of Neograft hair transplant restoration treatments are typically visible about three to four months after a treatment session when new, healthy hair begins to grow into the treated area.

How long will the results of Neograft hair transplant Restoration last?

Results of this hair restoration treatment are long lasting. In most cases, the transplanted hair will continue to grow for the duration of the patient’s life. NeoGraft hair transplants do not stop hair loss, and you may require additional hair transplants and/or the use of hair loss medication to maintain your results. 

Am I a good candidate?

This treatment is ideal for men and women experiencing mild to moderate hair loss who are interested in reducing hair loss and restoring hair to balding areas. Potential patients should be in good health, and have an ample amount of donor hair on the sides and/or back of the head. During your first consultation, Dr. Rosas will review your condition, general health, and desired results of treatment and determine if NeoGraft is the appropriate hair restoration treatment for you. 

NeoGraft and PRP Therapy

Dr. Rosas also uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for hair restoration and often combines PRP therapy with NeoGraft treatments. Combining these two hair restoration treatments encourages the growth of the newly implanted hair follicles and enhances the effects of your NeoGraft treatment. PRP therapy consists of concentrated levels of platelets that work to regenerate and repair damaged tissues, increase circulation, and stimulate growth factors in the treated area. When used for hair restoration, PRP can help repair damaged hair follicles and encourage thick, healthy hair regrowth. PRP therapy can be used in combination with NeoGraft treatments or on its own for hair restoration.

Do you want to find out if NeoGraft is the right hair restoration treatment for you? Contact our office in Celebration today for further information about our hair restoration Orlando or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rosas. We look forward to hearing from you!

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