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What Are the Benefits of Getting a Chemical Peel?


As the oldest aesthetic treatment in the world, the benefits of chemical peel laser are numerous and well-known. Regular peels can be an ideal foundation for your ongoing skin care regimen, whether you need to resurface your skin or use acids to treat active skin conditions, such as acne. Learn everything you need to know about this treatment before you schedule a consultation at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Orlando, FL.

What Are the Benefits of Getting a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel works by removing the upper layers of skin to reveal new skin cells underneath. As an exfoliation technique, chemical exfoliation is gentler and more effective than manual exfoliation options. One of the main benefits of a peel is the fact that it can be used on sensitive skin, including skin that is likely to be more reactive to rough exfoliation techniques.

Another benefit of this treatment is the fact that professional peels are more effective than at-home products. Additionally, a professional peel can be customized to your skin type and your skin’s concerns, so each treatment is tailored to your precise skin needs. Other benefits include:

Reduce Lines and Wrinkles

A peel can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, which are the most common age-related skin concerns. Fine lines and wrinkles can be reduced because a peel will remove the upper layers of skin that can make lines more visible. Additionally, medium and deep peels can induce collagen production, which then evens out the overall texture of the skin.

Improve Photodamage

Peels can also improve the appearance of photodamage. Over time, unprotected exposure to the sun can cause dark spots from melanin production deep within the layers of the skin. Ordinary at-home products do not penetrate the skin deeply enough to correct photodamage by themselves. Chemical exfoliation, however, can correct photodamage of all types.

Correct Pigmented Lesions

Pigmented lesions, such as hyperpigmentation from skin conditions like acne, blemishes, and other freckles, can also be corrected with regular peels. Pigmentation concerns can happen for several reasons other than sun exposure, such as common skin conditions. Exfoliation with targeted chemicals can remove affected skin cells and improve the overall tone of the skin.

Smooth Acne Scars

Textural or atrophic acne scars occur deeper in the dermal layer, making it difficult for ordinary skin care products to improve the appearance of the skin. Correcting the appearance of atrophic scarring is possible because of the moderate collagen production from medium-strength peels. As for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and post-inflammatory erythema, professional chemical exfoliation can also improve these types of post-acne scarring.

Treat Precancerous Lesions

Sometimes, if a dermatologist identifies a mole that appears suspicious, they may recommend a deep peel to remove the lesion. For the treatment of precancerous lesions, peels are usually localized instead of all over the face. A dermatologist will explain the details of a peel treatment for precancerous lesions, including the future outlook for your skin condition.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Are Your Chemical Peel Options?

When you schedule a peel treatment, you will generally have the choice between light, medium, or deep peel strength. The difference between these peel levels is how many layers of skin cells are exfoliated during the treatment. The peel strength that is most appropriate for you can be determined by your skin type, tone, and condition.

Light Peels

Light-strength peels are generally safe for all skin types and tones. These peels are sometimes recommended as part of your ongoing skin care regimen, which is why some people have light peels as frequently as every four to six weeks. The acids used for light peels are usually lactic acid or glycolic acid, which are ideal chemicals for sensitive skin and light, irritation-free exfoliation.

Medium Peels

Medium-strength peels are also very common, especially for age-related concerns, pigmentation concerns, and photodamage. Medium-strength peels are often TCA peels, which are made with chemicals at a higher percentage that will penetrate multiple layers of the skin at one time. Usually, even if a medium-strength peel is part of your ongoing skin care regimen, you only need to have this aesthetic treatment three to four times a year.

Deep Peels

While deep-strength pills are often used to treat precancerous lesions, they can also sometimes be used to treat deep acne scars and pronounced wrinkles. If you are interested in using a deep-strength peel for aesthetic reasons, then you will likely only be able to use the treatment once a year or once every few years, depending on your skin condition and how well your skin responds to the treatment.

2. What Happens During a Peel?

During a peel treatment, your skin will be cleansed to remove any oils, dirt, makeup, or other impurities. It’s important that your skin is neutralized so the peel can be effective. A chemical solution is then applied to your skin in multiple layers and will be allowed to remain on the skin for up to 20 or 30 minutes. Afterward, a hydrating serum and sunscreen may be applied to soothe and protect your skin.

3. How Should You Prepare?

If you are interested in using peel treatments, then you will need to prepare your skin by discontinuing at-home chemical exfoliants, such as retinoids, for a few days before your treatment. It’s also important that you reschedule if you have certain active skin conditions or diseases, including skin infections or eczema.

4. What Should You Do After a Peel?

After your treatment, you must stay out of direct sunlight for at least two weeks. When your skin is deeply exfoliated, it becomes more vulnerable to damage from the sun. Wearing sunscreen daily will deflect damaging UV rays and prevent skin damage. Generally, SPF 30 is adequate protection. You can wear sunscreen under makeup after 24 hours.

5. How Soon Will You See Results?

Usually, you can see the results of a peel treatment in a few days or weeks based on the strength of your peel. For example, you may see the results of a light peel in three to seven days, whereas the results of a deep peel may take two to three weeks to appear.

6. How Long Do Results Last?

The results for a light peel will last for two to four weeks for most people since the exfoliation is mostly superficial. Medium peels, on the other hand, can produce results for three to six months, while deep peels can produce results for nine or more months.

7. How Frequently Should You Have Chemical Peel?

The frequency of your exfoliation treatment will depend on your skin type, skin concerns, and the depth of your peel. For example, if you are using a light-strength peel, you can schedule this facial once a month or once every two months based on your skin sensitivity and your preferences.

For deeper strength peels, a skincare expert will be able to recommend the best treatment frequency based on your skin type in tone. Other treatments you are using may also determine the frequency of your peel treatment.

8. How Can You Maintain Your Results?

The best way to maintain the results of your chemical exfoliation treatment is to adopt good skin care practices. In particular, protecting your skin from damaging sunlight will help you maintain the even tone and quality of your skin. If you allow your skin to be exposed to UV rays without any protection, pigmented lesions, freckles, and other skin concerns will return.

Additionally, you may be able to explore at-home skin care products that can maintain the quality, tone, and texture of your skin. For example, prescription-strength retinoids can help the results of your peel treatment last much longer. Please speak with a skincare expert to identify the products that are most appropriate for your skin type and aesthetic goals.

9. Is This Treatment Right for You?

Aside from women who are currently pregnant, chemical exfoliation facials can be used by most people. However, you may need consultation if you have never used a peel treatment before.

Enjoy the Benefits of Regular Peels

There are several benefits of using regular chemical peel as part of your ongoing skin care treatment plan. Not only will you be able to maintain the desired tone, texture, and health of your skin, but you will also be able to slow the aging process. Get in touch with The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Orlando, FL to schedule your appointment today.

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