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What Are the Benefits of HydraFacials?


In a world of numerous cosmetic treatments, it’s difficult for one to rise above the rest. The HydraFacial Orlando FL has achieved this feat and gained an iconic reputation. It’s so popular that one HF is performed every 15 seconds around the world. If you haven’t yet experienced the silky smooth effects of an HF, we invite you to the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL. You’ll leave with a host of benefits, including immediately noticeable results.

What Are the Benefits of HydraFacial Orlando FL?

This treatment offers so many benefits that we felt compelled to discuss each in detail, starting with the HF’s gentle nature. The wand used in this therapy vacuums pores to remove invisible debris. In the facial’s final step, that same handheld wand drenches the skin with nutrient-rich serums. This genial approach lends the HF its soothing and refreshing traits and helps improve the appearance of:

The HF also stimulates collagen production. This protein gives skin its youthful, plump shape and prevents sagging. Although produced naturally in the body, collagen levels start to wane as early as age 25. By ramping up collagen production, the HF improves the skin’s external appearance and also boosts its internal health.

Is Safe for All Skin Types

Many times, the cosmetic treatment recommended for a patient reflects their skin type. But the HydraFacial Orlando FL is safe for all skin, from dry and flaky to oily and acne prone. Even those with combination or sensitive skin can benefit from treatment.

How is it possible that one therapy can work universally well? The HF restores balance to the skin with a four-step process that cleanses, exfoliates, and moisturizes (more on this momentarily). This means it cares for skin even as it removes impurities, making it suitable for patients of nearly every age.

Unclogs Pores

Pores can be a great source of frustration, especially if you feel yours are enlarged. They exist to release sebum, the body’s natural moisturizer designed to keep skin soft and supple.

Pores can, however, become clogged for a number of reasons, including hormonal shifts, improper shedding of dead skin cells, and excessive sebum production. Repeatedly scrubbing at your pores may sound sensible but is likely to cause irritation and add to your facial concerns. The good news is that an HF can treat nearly any cause of clogged pores and provide a lasting remedy to keep them clear.

Clears Acne and Reduces Future Breakouts

Acne is often associated with adolescents battling oily skin, but this condition can affect anyone at any age. Products formulated with harsh chemicals that promise to combat whiteheads and blackheads often do more harm than good. They may remove oil and dirt but also strip the skin of crucial nutrients. The hydrating effects of an HF can clear acne and reduce future breakouts without damaging delicate tissues.

Pairs Well With Other Treatments

The HF is non-invasive and can, in turn, be paired with other cosmetic treatments. You might choose to complement this facial with Botox, injectable fillers, or another therapy that will enhance your natural beauty. After listening to your aesthetic goals, we can help you design the ideal treatment plan – one that effectively addresses all of your concerns.

Can Be Fully Customized

The HydraFacial Orlando FL can be customized to meet your unique skincare needs by adding one of the following boosters:

You can also elect to start your HF with facial lymphatic drainage. This gentle massage removes a buildup of fluid from the face and helps push away waste and toxins. LED or blue light therapy can be added to your treatment, and the power of the handheld vacuum applied to your skin can be adjusted to suit delicate spots.

Is Pain-Free

Facials are notorious for quickly rejuvenating skin’s appearance, but for some patients, the exfoliation and extraction steps cause irritation. The HF does not skip these crucial components but instead performs them while continuously hydrating the skin. The result is a pain-free treatment that delivers a smooth, radiant, and healthy glow. The HF is so gentle that many patients liken it to a light facial massage.

Requires Zero Downtime

Unlike some treatments that require an hour or more to complete and a day or two of rest, HF takes less than an hour from start to finish. Equally important, you will have no downtime once you leave our office. Facial redness is not a factor because HF does not involve manual extractions.

Improvements to your skin tone and texture will appear immediately, and normal activities can be resumed on the same day as treatment. You can even apply makeup right after your facial, but we doubt you will want to; the glow you’re sure to see will beat any cosmetic.

Delivers Consistent Results

Most medical treatments, including those relative to skin care, rely on the specialist’s skills. That person must be well trained and adept with their hands to effectively cleanse the skin and perform manual extractions.

A HydraFacial Orlando FL is vastly different. The handheld wand associated with treatment does most of the work, meaning the technician only needs training in how to operate the machine. Manual skills do not factor into your appearance, allowing for more consistent therapy with reliable results. The experience is equally dependable. You can look forward to a pain-free, convenient, and effective treatment every time.

What to Expect

The HF combines multiple facial therapies in one session, starting with cleansing and exfoliation. Using a vortex hydra peel tip, we will run the handheld device across your skin in multiple motions to remove debris. This step also eliminates excess sebum and dead skin cells while gently opening your pores. Again, this portion of the treatment feels much like a facial massage and prepares your skin for each subsequent step.

Chemical Peel

Once your face is thoroughly cleaned, we will change the wand’s tip to deliver a relaxing chemical peel. You might be thinking this sounds like a misnomer, but the chemical peel delivered by an HF is neither irritating nor painful. Instead, a skin-loving combination of acids is used to loosen deep pore debris. The goal is to clear out your pores and allow your skin to finally breathe.


Surprisingly, this step proves the most satisfying for many. A painless vortex vacuum tip is used to remove all blackheads and whiteheads from your pores. The impurities collected by the vacuum go into a clear cup attached to the handheld device. This allows you to see everything that gets extracted to confirm the treatment worked as expected.

Moisturizing Serums

The last step involves the application of hydrating serums, antioxidants, and peptides formulated to bathe your skin in nutrients. We will seal your results from the previous steps and also nourish, rejuvenate, and detoxify your skin. As we said earlier, you’ll leave with a radiant glow that reflects your skin’s newfound health.

Preparing for Treatment

The HF requires little in the way of preparation. We recommend you arrive for your session with a clean face free of cosmetics, lotions, and creams. Twenty-four hours prior, you should also avoid exfoliation to ensure the treatment works effectively.

We recommend you avoid sun exposure as well. If your skin is sunburned or otherwise irritated, we may recommend postponing your appointment. Your best bet is to wear sunscreen every day, even if you don’t plan to spend time outdoors, to protect your skin.

Reach for Water

Water can plump your skin and promote hydration, both of which encourage positive results after an HF. You should therefore opt for this drink over juice and soda in the days prior to your appointment. Caffeinated beverages can dehydrate tissues, so we recommend you similarly limit your coffee intake.

Arrive Relaxed

On the day of your appointment, we know you’ll be anxious to start treatment. It’s best, however, to leave stress behind and arrive feeling relaxed. Take some time for yourself before you head to our office and listen to calming music or read a book. We’ll review the treatment in detail prior to starting so you understand every step we take.

The Hardest Working Facial Available

The HydraFacial Orlando FL can address a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines, acne breakouts, and sunspots. It’s pain-free and convenient, and you can return to your daily routine as soon as the treatment is complete. It truly offers an easy path to clear, luminous skin. Schedule your appointment today by contacting the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL.

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