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What Does “Breast Augmentation” Mean?

Breast augmentation

Breasts are one of the most visible signs of femininity, and many women experience insecurities around this feature, particularly if they feel that their breasts are too small or asymmetrical. In such a case, breast augmentation could be the solution to achieving that sought-after size and shape. Here at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, our talented and experienced doctors offer all the most popular and successful methods of augmentation.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Also called breast enhancement, this breast augmentation procedure includes inserting additional material into one or both breasts for the purpose of enlarging them. This type of surgery can be used by people who have had a mastectomy due to illness as well as those who seek to enhance the natural look of their chests.

Reasons for Choosing this Procedure

The most well-known function of breast enhancement is increasing the size of your breasts. But there are other reasons why you may feel that it is the right choice for you, for instance, if you would like to alter the shape of your breasts or if one is larger than the other and you want to even them out. Let’s have a look at all the different reasons someone might opt for this procedure:

Increased Confidence

One of the most obvious benefits of enhancing the size of your chest is that this can come with increased confidence. According to some studies, over 70% of women are not satisfied with the way their breasts look, with the majority of them wishing they were larger. In fact, only 29% reported being satisfied with the size of their chest. Despite this sobering statistic, a large number of these women will unfortunately never find a solution or seek out treatment.

If you belong to this group, you don’t have to suffer. Breast enhancement offers a safe and effective way of achieving the size you always desired and can thereby increase your confidence and the way you feel about your body. Many of our patients describe the procedure as life-changing, especially those who have lost their tissue due to cancer treatment and are looking to get back to normality.

Perfect Body Proportions

Many women already have the waistline and the hips they desire but are simply missing the large breasts that create the perfect body proportions when paired with these other two features. In such a case, breast enhancement surgery can help you to achieve the hourglass figure you’ve always desired so that you can be the most beautiful version of yourself.

The perfect breast size is not the same for everyone. It will depend on your height, your other features and proportions, and what kind of look you are hoping to achieve. Our expert surgeons will discuss all of these factors with you and determine the perfect size of the augmentation.

Correcting Asymmetry

Almost nobody has two breasts of the exact same size, but in some women, this is more noticeable than in others. If your breasts are very uneven, correcting this surgically could be a great option to reduce the discomfort you experience when wearing certain pieces of clothing such as swimsuits. That way, you won’t have to worry about your clothes fitting anymore, and you’ll feel comfortable and confident no matter what you wear.

Increasing Fullness

Finally, increasing the fullness of your breasts is another common reason why women opt for this procedure. Many have been self-conscious about their small breasts since their teenage years, but others start to experience this after childbirth and breastfeeding.

You might feel that, while the rest of your body has recovered from having children, your breasts don’t revert to the same shape they had before. With breast enhancement, you can regain the beautiful, round, and full chest of your youth.

Different Types of Incisions

When you have your initial consultation with us, we will confirm that you are a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery and speak to you about how to customize it for your needs. There are two main decisions that will have to be made: the type of incision and the type of implant you will receive. Your surgeon will explain the benefits of each and discuss the different options with you, then choose the one that is most suitable for your situation.

There are two common types of incisions possible, called intramammary and periareolar. Each one has different uses and advantages, and we will choose the best spot for your body and your goals.

Intramammary Incisions

This type of incision involves the crease on the underside of your breast and is always short so that the scarring is easily hidden and not very visible. This is the most common type because it allows your surgeon to place larger implants into your breasts.

Periareolar Incisions

In some cases, we may advise the use of periareolar incisions, which are made along the lower part of your nipple. Because this type of cut creates even less scarring, it could be a great option for someone getting saline implants or a more modest augmentation.

Different Types of Implants

Three types of implants are commonly used during the procedure: saline, silicone gel, and structured saline. All of them are made from different materials and cater to different needs. Your surgeon will speak to you about these three options and which one will provide you with the best result.


Saline implants are made of a silicone shell with saline water inside. The fact that they contain only saltwater makes them very safe, which is why they have become so popular over time. These types of implants are also considered very comfortable by most women, so we often get new patients requesting saline implants because their friends have found them so convenient and successful.

Silicone Gel

Another popular implant is made of a silicone shell with a gel on the inside. The big advantage of this is that there are several types of implants, ranging from soft to hard, and each one will create a different look. There are also different shapes available, so these might be a good option if you’re looking to change the shape of your breasts. These implants are more firm than other types, but they will give you a very natural look.

Structured Saline Implants

The saline implant with structure is the most innovative new development, and it provides a natural look but without using the gel. It features different outer and inner shells, which significantly reduce the risk of your implant collapsing or wrinkling. If you are worried about such issues, structured saline might be the best way to go.

How to Prepare for the Procedure

Although breast augmentation is safe and straightforward, there will be a recovery period after your surgery. It’s important to plan for this, and there are several ways in which you can make the process easy and stress-free.

Finding Help 

The most important thing to do is get some help from your loved ones. Ask someone to accompany you to your appointment and if you live alone, make sure you have a friend or family member staying with you for the first days after your operation. You will need to avoid doing any strenuous work and especially heavy lifting, so enlist other people to help you with any physical tasks.

Having Your Needs Met

Unless there is someone available to cook for you during your recovery period, it is a good idea to plan your meals ahead of time. You can either cook and freeze meals that you can then reheat later, or gather all of the ingredients for very simple dishes that don’t require a lengthy preparation time. Another option is to schedule a meal delivery service for the days after your surgery, so you don’t have to worry about this at all.

Similarly, it’s important that you avoid household tasks like cleaning or doing the laundry. If you can, make sure your house is clean and your clothes are washed before your surgery so that you won’t have to deal with these things afterward. If this is not possible, you could hire someone to help you out temporarily.

Staying Healthy

Although you may be tempted to eat comfort food during the rest days, try to avoid this and eat healthily instead. This will help you to feel better and speed up the recovery. In particular, try to hydrate regularly and eat protein, healthy fats, and leafy green vegetables. Avoiding alcohol is another great way to make sure you stay healthy during your recovery period.

Having Realistic Expectations

Finally, it’s important to know what to expect, so that you don’t become worried or confused about the recovery process. Your surgeon will speak to you about how you may feel and how long it will take until you can return back to work and your other daily activities.

In many cases, a full recovery will take around six weeks, but you may start to feel much better after one to two weeks and be able to return to many of your tasks already. Exercise should be avoided for around three weeks after the procedure, and then it should be re-started slowly.

Eligibility for the Procedure 

Now that you know what breast augmentation involves and what the various options are, you may wonder who is eligible for this type of procedure. Most people who have been negatively affected by the shape or size of their breasts will be good candidates, but there are several factors to consider, including your age, general health status, and underlying conditions.

Before your surgery, you may need to stop taking certain medications like ibuprofen, aspirin, or dietary medications. It is also advisable that you don’t smoke after the procedure, as this can slow down healing. We will let you know about any changes necessary and give you more detailed instructions as your surgery date approaches.

Perfect Your Profile Today 

Breast augmentation is a great way to enhance and enlarge your breasts, creating the shape you’ve always desired. It is also a fantastic option for anyone who has experienced changes as a result of cancer or another severe health condition. With several different incision points and implants available, the shape and feel of your breasts can be customized to your specific needs.

To find out how you can get started, contact The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, today. We offer a complimentary online consultation, so you can find out more about breast enhancements and our other treatments from the comfort of your home.

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