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What Is Dermaplaning Used for?


Wear and tear on the outermost layer of our skin is inevitable as we go about our lives, and that makes exfoliation treatments such as dermaplaning a popular choice to rejuvenate the skin. Here at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, we offer exfoliation treatments that not only smooth your complexion of any imperfections such as scars or acne, but these treatments also increase the efficacy of other skincare treatments you may choose to undergo in the future.

Let’s Learn About Dermaplaning

What Is It Used For?

This Dermaplaning treatment was made for exfoliating the epidermis or the outermost layer of the skin. Most patients opt to have this treatment done on their face, but you can technically use the treatment anywhere on your body that would benefit from exfoliation. The most common reason people seek this treatment is for the eradication of skin imperfections such as mild surface-level wrinkling, blackheads, acne scarring, uneven skin texture or tone, and enlarged pores.

This Dermaplaning treatment is a great alternative option for those who want to experience the benefits of harsh and abrasive exfoliation treatments without pain or chemicals. The specific style of exfoliation we use during these treatments is considered the least invasive exfoliation treatment in today’s cosmetic market. You may hear this treatment referred to as resurfacing because the uneven bumps caused by dead skin cells and clogged pores are smoothed out to restore the skin’s natural glow.

What Benefits Does It Offer?

Besides clearing your skin of any imperfections, dermaplaning can also get rid of peach fuzz. The treatment is gentle enough that patients can opt to combine it with other rejuvenation treatments such as facials to enhance the patient’s desirable results. Exfoliating the top layer of the skin can also help topical facial creams and cleansers penetrate the skin more deeply, making these at-home treatments more effective.

This treatment offers patients meaningful results without surgery or invasive incisions. If the treatment is performed by an experienced professional, the session will be completely pain-free and non-irritating to the skin. The treatment is a favorite of patients with busy schedules because the session requires no downtime and it’s easy to return to daily life afterward. Patients wishing for natural-looking results and a healthy glow love the subtle enhancements the treatment offers the skin, and side effects are completely nonexistent.

Long-Term Use Benefits

Not only will you notice initial improvements in the form of smoother, clearer skin, but you’ll also find plenty of benefits that come from routine appointment sessions. Repeated sessions will help your skin’s overall health since you’re regularly getting rid of pore-clogging dead skin cells and encouraging fresh cellular regeneration. You can combine this treatment with laser hair removal for an effective body hair eradication treatment, and regular exfoliation appointments will keep peach fuzz at bay.

Exploring Candidacy

If you’re interested in eradicating your skin’s imperfections or signs of aging including removing dead skin cells from your epidermis, diminishing peach fuzz, getting rid of mild wrinkles, and smoothing out rough or weathered skin, you’re the ideal candidate. The best candidates have relatively good skin health and overall health, will be looking for an effective solution without chemicals or invasive procedures, and will be seeking treatments that fit into their busy schedules and involve no post-appointment downtime.

Patients with active skin inflammation, severe eczema, bleeding disorders, keloid scarring, or those who experience adverse reactions to exfoliation should exercise great caution or seek alternative treatments. Those with particularly sensitive skin, those with temporary skin conditions, and those who are pregnant should wait to receive this treatment until a later date. We’ll go over your unique circumstances during your consultation to determine if you’re right for this treatment.

Your Exfoliation Treatment Session


Because of the noninvasive nature of this treatment, there aren’t any strict guidelines you must adhere to prior to your appointment. You can choose to avoid wearing makeup or skincare products when you come in for your session, but we will cleanse your skin before beginning the session regardless. To ensure your skin isn’t suffering from sensitivity right before your appointment, avoid prolonged sun exposure and keep yourself well-hydrated.

What To Expect During Your Appointment

The treatment itself involves the use of a ten-gauge scalpel held at a specific angle for gently scraping the outer layer of skin away. The length of the treatment session varies greatly depending on the severity of your skin imperfections and where on your body you’re receiving the exfoliation. For shorter sessions, you’ll be in our chair for 15 to 20 minutes, and longer sessions can take up to 45 minutes.

Topical anesthetics generally aren’t necessary even for those with extremely sensitive skin because our experts know how to apply just enough pressure to eradicate surface-level imperfections without causing any discomfort to the patient. For a typical facial exfoliation treatment session, we usually begin at the patient’s forehead and make our way down to the cheeks before ending with the chin. We avoid the most delicate areas such as the eyelids, eyebrows, and lips.

How You Can Honor Your Skin After Your Treatment

The majority of our patients are thrilled to notice their results almost immediately after their appointment. In order to keep these results for as long as possible, you should make a customized and consistent skincare routine that meets your skin’s unique needs. In the month following your appointment, you can elongate your results by honoring your skin with at-home treatments with formulas that contain retinol, hyaluronic acid, and/or vitamin C.

Proper skin hydration starts from within, so make keeping yourself well-hydrated a top priority each day. Products like makeup are heavy on the skin and clog pores, so consider using lighter makeup and never go to bed without washing it off. Make sure you don’t habitually touch your face, as oils and bacteria from your hands can compromise your skin. Don’t be afraid to set up routine exfoliation sessions with us at our office!

Experience Short and Long-Term Benefits

Whether you’re looking to banish fine lines, say goodbye to acne scarring, refine your skin’s tone and/or texture, or completely eradicate blackheads and large pores, dermaplaning is your go-to treatment option. If you’re embarking on a new skincare journey, we highly recommend jump-starting your regimen with this treatment. If you’re ready to receive a treatment that will increase the effectiveness of all your future skincare products, visit us today here at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL.

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