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What Is Sclerotherapy?


Varicose veins and spider veins can be a source of frustration, embarrassment, and poor self-confidence. Have you limited yourself to wearing certain types of clothing in order to hide clusters of discolored, bulging veins? Getting the proper treatment can change how you feel about yourself. Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive vein treatment that we offer at The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL. With our help, it is possible to reduce the appearance of unsightly, prominent veins.

What Is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a vein treatment that involves the injection of a mild sclerosing solution into the affected veins. During the treatment, we use a fine needle to inject the solution into the desired areas. If you are looking for a minimally invasive yet effective treatment for spider veins and varicose veins, then this can be a promising solution for you. The goal of sclerotherapy is to eliminate or minimize the appearance of unsightly veins.

How Does It Work?

Without the need for surgery, sclerotherapy works by causing varicose veins and spider veins to become irritated and inflamed. The solution that we inject into your veins destroys the inner layers of the blood vessel. As a result, the clusters of discolored, bulging veins eventually collapse and are reabsorbed by the body.

The treatment prevents blood from pooling back and passing into the treated veins. As a result, over time, spider veins and varicose veins disappear permanently. When this happens, your body begins to look for new pathways for blood circulation, usually through the nearest functional vein.

When Do You Need To Seek Treatment?

Many people wonder whether varicose veins and spider veins are dangerous to their health. For the majority, visible veins are a minor inconvenience only and are more of a cosmetic issue. However, it’s also true that some people may experience pain, tenderness, and itching due to varicose veins and spider veins.

If you feel that your quality of life is being affected by the presence of unsightly veins, then it’s a good idea to seek treatment as soon as you can. When left untreated, unsightly veins can pose serious health issues. Some of the complications include:

If you notice swelling in your affected leg, you may be experiencing severe complications and need to consult with a professional soon. If your varicose veins have become a constant source of pain, discomfort, soreness, or irritation, then it’s best to schedule a vein treatment soon. Some people may end up experiencing aching and irritation at night, which in turn affects the quality of sleep and daily functioning.

What Causes Varicose Veins and Spider Veins?

Varicose veins and spider veins are common aesthetic issues for both men and women. But do you know what causes them? Affected veins usually aren’t signs of underlying health issues, but they often develop due to venous insufficiency. When the valves in your leg veins are not efficiently transporting blood, they become prone to swelling and bulging. They may also become discolored.

Men and women can develop vein problems at any age. However, there are several contributing factors such as:


The Benefits of the Treatment

Sclerotherapy has been performed millions of times over the last several decades. There are many reasons why people choose to undergo this treatment. First of all, it’s a non-surgical option that will not take too much of your time and energy. Additionally, treating spider veins and varicose veins comes with cosmetic advantages and physical benefits that can improve your daily life.

Improved Physical Appearance

Clear, smooth skin is the most common cosmetic benefit of sclerotherapy. For this reason, many women choose to undergo the treatment. You may notice visible improvements in the affected leg’s appearance only weeks after the treatment. The size and the number of veins treated will also affect the overall improvement in the treated areas.

Reduced Discomfort

Varicose veins can affect how you feel and function on a day-to-day basis. On the physical side, you can expect the following benefits such as:


What To Expect During and After the Treatment

Sclerotherapy is a straightforward treatment that should not cause any unbearable pain or discomfort. On average, treatments take 30-60 minutes. The exact duration depends on the number of veins that need to be treated.

There’s no need to worry about extended downtime or blocking your calendar for a lengthy recovery period. After your treatment, you’ll be able to walk around. We will apply a pressure bandage around your legs, and these bandages will be left untouched for the next two days.

The Use of Compression Socks

You may return to your normal activities on the same day. However, we highly recommend that you refrain from performing strenuous activities for about a week after the treatment. You may wear compression socks for about two weeks to enhance your comfort after the treatment. Wearing compression socks can also prevent blood from pooling back into your treated veins. For the first few nights after your treatment, it’s best to sleep while wearing your compression socks.

Recommended Activities

After the treatment, it’s important to make sure that the walls of your veins properly stick together. It’s a good idea to engage in light exercise and walk for about half an hour every day after your sclerotherapy. Elevating your legs when you’re sitting down can also help. Additionally, you should avoid standing still for long periods.

Anticipating Your Results

Are you wondering how long it takes for veins to disappear after sclerotherapy? In many cases, treated veins become less visible within three to six months. However, the size of your veins can affect when you see your results. For example, more prominent veins can take up to four months to respond to the treatment.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate?

Those with mild to severe spider veins and varicose veins can be ideal candidates for sclerotherapy. There’s no right age or time to get this treatment. If you notice visible clusters of blue, red, or purple veins near the surface of the skin, and you are experiencing discomfort because of them, then you may consider vein treatment.

It’s important for ideal candidates to be in good health and have realistic expectations. You must also have no history of blood clots or allergies to the sclerosing solution. The number and severity of your spider veins and varicose veins will be considered when we develop your treatment plan.

Those who have the following conditions may need to consider other forms of vein treatment:


The Key to Smooth, Blemish-Free Legs

Vein treatment is a promising solution for anyone who’s affected by the appearance of spider veins and varicose veins. Thanks to modern medicine, we can now significantly improve your condition in just a few short treatments. Are you interested to know if you are a good candidate for vein treatment? Contact The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Celebration, FL, and request an appointment with our expert team. We look forward to assessing your condition and helping you achieve smooth, blemish-free legs!

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