If your skin looking a little dull and worn out, your first instinct might be exfoliating to try to brighten your complexion. Unfortunately, common exfoliating scrubs leave much to be desired. If they aren’t doing more harm than good by creating micro-tears in your skin, then they aren’t effective enough to actually slough off dead skin. Luckily, when store-bought and home-made exfoliators aren’t doing their job, you do have other options. At the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Orlando, FL we believe every patient deserves comprehensive care, including treatments such as dermaplaning.
Does Hair Grow Back After Dermaplaning?
There are a lot of myths surrounding this treatment, many of them pertaining to the hair on the face otherwise known as peach fuzz. Many women want to know if hair will grow back after this treatment. The answer is yes, the hair removed during this exfoliating treatment does eventually grow back, just like the new cells revealed by the treatment eventually become dead skin cells.
When Does Hair Grow Back?
While this treatment is by no means permanent, the time it takes for hair to grow back is something that is determined by your individual biology. As a rule of thumb, peach fuzz on the face takes several weeks to grow back, which for most women means about 3 to 4 weeks. This length of time is dictated by the natural thickness of your peach fuzz, the amount you normally have, and your hormones, which may cause hair to grow more or less quickly.
Will Hair Be Darker or Thicker?
One of the most common myths about dermaplaning is about the hair that grows back. It’s an old wives’ tale that comes from the belief that any hair shaved off a woman’s body will come back darker and thicker than before. This isn’t true. The only reason that the hair on a woman’s body changes is because of hormonal imbalance. This is particularly true for menopausal women, who often see the hair on their legs become more wiry.
For this treatment, you don’t need to worry about the hair that grows back being any different from your normal peach fuzz. Why? The hair on your face is again something that is determined by hormones. Unlike men, women do not have hormones that dictate facial hair should be coarse and dark, and shaving the hair off isn’t going to change that. When the hair removed with this treatment grows back, it will be just as light and thin as before.
Why Do We Have Peach Fuzz?
Like the hair on the rest of our body, peach fuzz does serve its own purpose. On the face, peach fuzz is best known for offering a natural, if minor, protection from the sun. Peach fuzz also helps regulate your body temperature and helps sweat evaporate from the surface of skin, just the same as peach fuzz found on any other area of your body.
Does Peach Fuzz Cause Problems?
While peach fuzz might be perfectly normal, that doesn’t mean it’s without fault. For some people, the presence of peach fuzz on the skin can be an added complication for daily living, particularly if you already have skin concerns. Here are a few ways peach fuzz can cause problems.
Dull Skin
What’s the one thing standing between you and glowing skin? For many people, the sole obstacle is peach fuzz. While dead skin cells certainly play a role in a dull complexion, the presence of peach fuzz can also make the surface of the skin look darker and older. Peach fuzz can even make fine lines and wrinkles seem more obvious. Removing peach fuzz is a fast and effective way to brighten the tone of your skin.
If you suffer from acne, then you probably already know that acne forms only where a hair follicle is present, and that means that peach fuzz can be a gateway to developing more acne. Acne develops when the oil gland in the pore becomes clogged, creating a space for bacteria to develop. Peach fuzz allows bacteria and other environmental irritants to be carried directly into the pore, which can make the acne that much worse. By eliminating peach fuzz, it can be easier to control acne breakouts because the hair no longer acts as an additional delivery system for bacteria.
Skin Care Products
Peach fuzz is an additional barrier on the skin, which means that it’s also a barrier between you and the helpful ingredients in your skincare products. Regardless of whether your skincare products are for controlling acne or keeping your skin moisturized, the presence of peach fuzz can prevent the product from fully penetrating the skin. Without peach fuzz, your skincare products have a better chance of being effective.
For many patients, the main reason they seek this treatment is for the sole purpose of making sure cosmetics look good when applied. Peach fuzz has a way of trapping powders and preventing liquid foundations from being smoothly applied to the skin, which can, in turn, make you look much older than you are. Without peach fuzz, cosmetics can be applied with much more precision and can have a more flawless finish that doesn’t look dry or dusty.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
What Does Dermaplaning Do?
This is primarily an exfoliating treatment, which means that it removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Although humans naturally exfoliate skin over the course of several weeks, sometimes our natural release of dead skin cells is slow or imperfect, which can lead to clogged pores and other skin concerns. Exfoliating scrapes away dead skin cells and peach fuzz to reveal a brighter, more healthy complexion.
What Can You Expect From Treatment?
Although this treatment is a simple one, there are still a few steps that are involved. For starters, you will need to attend a consultation appointment before this treatment. The consultation will help us determine how much you can benefit from this treatment and will include a thorough examination of your skin condition. The majority of patients are approved for this treatment after the consultation.
Here are a few steps to expect from your treatment appointment:
Step One: Cleanse
We will use a gentle cleanser to free your skin of any excess dirt, oil, and make-up. Having a clean canvas to work with is important as it allows the scalpel used for treatment to glide more smoothly along the skin.
Step Two: Scrape
A sterile surgical scalpel is used to scrape dead skin cells off the surface of the skin. The scalpel is flat, almost flush to your skin, and moved in smooth, short strokes against the grain of your skin to remove as much of the dead cells and hair as possible. This portion of the treatment takes about 15 to 20 minutes.
Step Three: Soothe
After we wipe down your face to remove excess skin from the exfoliation, we will use a moisturizer to soothe the new skin. It is important to protect your skin in the first 24 hours after this treatment, so be sure to use SPF and other moisturizers during this time.
What Is Recovery Like?
There is no recovery period associated with this treatment. After your treatment, you will be advised to avoid excess sweating and sunlight for at least 24 hours, but that is your only restriction. We also encourage patients to use regular moisturizers and SPF as normal to protect the skin.
How Long Do Results Last?
Results last for about 3 to 6 weeks depending on the patient. The length of time patients can enjoy results depends on their age, hormones, and genetic factors that determine how quickly new cells and new hair grows back.
How Often Should I Have This Treatment?
The majority of patients use this treatment monthly to maintain desired results. Of course, patients with sensitive skin are usually advised to wait about 6 weeks between treatment to protect sensitive skin. Ultimately, how often you have this treatment depends on you and your particular needs.
Will This Treatment Hurt?
This is a painless treatment that does not even require the use of a topical numbing cream. This treatment is completely painless for all patients, regardless of age or skin sensitivity.
Is This Treatment Safe?
This treatment is as safe for patients as shaving any other hair on the body. This is a treatment that only requires the flat side of a surgical scalpel to exfoliate the skin, meaning that it is not invasive in any way. This treatment also has zero risks for an allergic reaction.
Can You Combine Dermaplaning With Other Cosmetic Treatments?
This Dermaplaning treatment is highly compatible with many other cosmetic treatments. In fact, we sometimes recommend this treatment to be combined with certain other skin rejuvenation therapies because this type of exfoliation can make other treatments more effective. Here are a few treatments that are commonly combined with this one:
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels, particularly light strength peels, are one of the more common treatments combined with this one. After using this treatment to exfoliate skin, a light chemical peel using a mild acid can be used to more deeply exfoliate the skin as well as treat other skin concerns, such as acne, acne scars, sun damage, dark spots, and the reduction of fine lines or wrinkles.
Energy-based treatments, such as radiofrequency skin tightening or skin resurfacing treatments, can be combined with this one. Energy-based treatments are generally aimed toward treating the sub-dermal layers of skin to correct issues, so they pair very nicely with any other treatment that is used on the skin’s surface. Energy-based treatments can treat many versatile skin issues, such as skin laxity, uneven skin pigment, and uneven skin texture.
Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are another treatment that combines well with this one. Dermal fillers are used to restore volume or relax the facial muscles, meaning that they work from the inside out to rejuvenate your appearance. By combining a dermal filler with this treatment, you can treat both the skin surface and the sub-dermal layers.
Facials can help restore moisture to the skin and brighten your complexion, so they pair well with an exfoliating treatment like this one. In fact, the first step for most facials is an exfoliating treatment, so this treatment can be used in conjunction with or independent of facial exfoliation for a more comprehensive treatment.
There are many other cosmetic treatments that can be safely combined with dermaplaning. If you are interested in combing treatments, we can help you decide which treatments are right for you and create a treatment timeline that will reach all of your aesthetic goals.
Who Are Good Candidates?
Most prospective patients are good candidates for this treatment. You might be a qualified candidate if you want to:
- Exfoliate skin
- Remove peach fuzz
- Diminish the appearance of skin flaws
- Enhance skincare products
Brighten Your Beauty With Dermaplaning!
You don’t have to settle for ineffective exfoliators you make at home or buy from the store. It’s time to treat yourself to exfoliation that actually works. If you think dermaplaning is the right way to brighten your beauty, please contact the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Orlando, FL to schedule your Dermaplaning today!