BOTOX® is one of the most well-known modern day procedures. While it can be a treatment for chronic migraines, neck spasms, and an overactive bladder, its’ use as a cosmetic procedure is what made it popular. If you’re looking for a convenient method to manage wrinkles and fine lines, BOTOX® may be your solution.
Cosmetic Uses for Botox
BOTOX® is used as a cosmetic injection that temporarily relaxes the muscles of the face that are contributing to wrinkles. Targeted areas include the deep frown lines that are prevalent between the eyebrows, the creases on the sides of the eyes known as crow’s feet and those deep furrows that run horizontally across the forehead when the eyebrows are raised.
Possible Risks
Although BOTOX® is a safe procedure, there some potential side effects. Common and minimal ones include flu-like symptoms, headache, or bruising at the site of injection. If the BOTOX® injection is not given near enough to the targeted area, the medication could spread to the surrounding issues. That’s why it is imperative that you choose a surgeon with extensive experience to avoid unnecessary complications.
Preparation for Botox
At the initial consultation, your goals will be reviewed and a proper treatment plan developed for you. During this time, it would be beneficial to mention any medications you are currently taking. Sleep aids, allergy medications and muscle relaxants are just some examples.
What to Expect
The discomfort of Botox injections is minimal, but some patients may prefer to have a local anesthetic administered prior to the procedure. This can be through injection, cold spray or a topical cream. An extremely thin needle will be used to inject the medication into your skin. Depending on the size of the area to be treated, you may require more than one injection. Immediately after the procedure, you can go back to your regular daily routine.
A few days after your Botox injection, you’ll begin to notice results, which could last up to three months or more. Regular injections will be necessary for maintenance purposes.
Are You a Candidate?
If you’re dealing with wrinkles and fine lines, you may be a candidate for BOTOX®. For more information, contact The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery for a consultation. We offer a variety of skin treatments and services including BOTOX®, nonsurgical face-lifts, dermaplanning and more. We would be happy to speak with you regarding your cosmetic goals and develop the right treatment plan to meet your needs. Now is the time to do something about your wrinkles. Contact us today.