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Lines after Facelift


Richard O. Gregory, M.D.

In my function as an online consultant, I see questions posed by postoperative patients that should have been covered by the physician when the treatment was being proposed. In addition to prescribing the procedure, alternatives, and risks the patient should have a good understanding of what the results might be. In fact, the most common reason for dissatisfaction after a cosmetic procedure is unrealistic expectations by the patient.  Although no guarantee can or should be given as to the exact results, there are things that might be anticipated which should be covered. Among these would be the “lines after a facelift”.

There are several things that the facelift can and cannot do which should be covered. For instance, the facelift can relieve sags and bulges. Generally, it cannot remove fine lines as this results from a skin problem rather than from the skin fullness and distorted supporting structures of the face. Fine lines can be addressed by laser treatment as well as peels. Deeper creases may benefit from some filler material, but sagging skin and neck structures frequently will require surgery to correct. Facelifts do not correct excessive skin and tissue around the eyes (needs blepharoplasty) and in fact, may make them more evident. Facelifts also do not correct fine lines around the mouth. Facelifts will not restore volume to the face, but in fact, simply redistribute it. There are a variety or filler materials which can be used to restore volume and in fact, deep creases can be improved with hyaluronic acid (HA) filler material. Finally, heavily weathered skin generally tends to be thin in the model will not improve with a facelift. This is remedied by the laser.

Consulting a board-certified plastic surgeon should help sort out these various problems as well is what to do about them. It is best to seek consultation with a surgeon who has many options available to make you happy. So-called facelifts in a bottle, weekend facelifts, lunchtime facelifts, are simply marketing strategies to take your money and giving you very little benefit in return. A word to the wise would be: seek a competent surgeon in consultation. If you do not understand or have some hesitation asked or seek a second opinion. A facelift is an investment in your lifetime and your happiness. Approach it carefully and with reverence for your future happiness. Call INSTITUTE OF AESTHETIC SURGERY at 407-409-8000 for a free consultation.

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