The shape of your nose has a huge impact on your look. Though it’s nobody’s choice to be born with a crooked or shapeless nose, there is something you can do to solve this problem. Rhinoplasty surgery in Orlando offers safe and reliable solutions to patients who want to change their nose structure and is a type of plastic or cosmetic surgery aimed at reshaping the nose. Some of the many benefits of having a nose job done by our Orlando experts are listed below.
Doctors Can Solve a Wide Range of Nose Problems
Experts in this field deal with various surgeries, such as:
• Straightening a hooked, enlarged or drooping nose
• Resizing the nose to match the face
• Enhancing nasal asymmetry
• Resolving large nostrils
• Resizing nasal tips
• Repositioning the nostrils and bridge of the nose to have the right width
Adequate Consultation Before the Surgery
Deciding whether to have a nose job may be challenging and overwhelming. Any type of cosmetic surgery comes with its own worries because the patient is always concerned about the outcome and the side effects. While making a decision seems to be a personal choice, it is important to listen to the counsel of an expert. Our rhinoplasty surgeons prepare patients by taking them through every step of the procedure prior to the actual surgery. This is indispensable information because it helps the patient understand everything about the nose job before they make a decision.
After Surgery Care
One of the most crucial procedures in rhinoplasty surgery is having the doctor follow up on your condition. The area around the nose and eyes usually appears bruised due to the effects of the surgery. You must take care not to contract any infections during the healing process, and the best person to help you throughout the process is the doctor. You might also experience some pain as an effect of the surgery. Rhinoplasty surgery in Orlando is reliable because we follow up to ensure you get the right pain medicine. We also offer expert insight on how to keep the operated area free of infections.
We always advise our patients to try a cold compress. You also need to keep your head still and elevated for a few weeks before you can resume your normal activities. Our doctors ensure there is no excessive bleeding or skin problems that arise from the surgery, and we monitor our patients to identify problems as soon as possible.
For more information about any form of cosmetic surgery, The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery is here to help. Contact us today.