Ear shaping is a kind of cosmetic ear surgery that is used to address protruding ears. The procedure is also referred to otoplasty. The disorder can develop if there is too much cartilage present, or if the cartilage ridge along the top of the ear fails to fold properly while developing. Protruding ears can be hereditary. They can also be the result of an unexpected injury or trauma.
Ear Surgery
Ear surgery includes reshaping the cartilage of the ears into a more visually pleasing shape that is much less protruding. The two primary methods for correcting ears that protrude include:
- Otoplasty (ear pinning) – Otoplasty involves reshaping ear cartilage to reproduce the missing folds and then subsequently positioning both ears closer to the patient’s head.
- Ear Splinting – This process resets the soft cartilage and uses a splint to keep the ears stable in their new position. This technique is mused on babies six months old or younger.
How Ear Surgery Helps
The condition of protruding ears does not affect an individual’s hearing, but can cause significant psychological distress and embarrassment for them.
The ears are usually one of the first body parts to develop into adult size. However, if they protrude (stick out), they can be especially noticeable in younger children and can result in getting bullied or teased. Many times, the parents worry more than the young child does about the protruding ears. They often worry that their child’s ears will cause other children to make fun of them at school and thus scar them psychologically.
On the other hand, adults who have protruding ears can also have their own issues to deal with. For instance, they may find it rather hard to wear certain headgear items, including a motorcycle or bicycle helmet. Also, many adult women with protruding ears can feel embarrassed or uncomfortable when wearing their hair pulled up.
Otoplasty Cosmetic Ear Surgery: What to Expect
While an adult will likely receive local anesthesia along with a sedative, a young child will probably require general anesthesia in most cases to make sure they are immobile while the doctor operates. Most cosmetic ear surgeries are done on an outpatient basis. It is better to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes on the day of your surgery.
Adults can expect the procedure to last a couple of hours and to go home the very same day. However, it is best to have a family member or friend drive you home as well as stay the night with you. In the case of a child, doctors sometimes prefer that he or she stay overnight.
At The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery in Orlando, we will work with you and/or your child to determine the safest and most effective ear surgery procedure. We will help you get the best possible results. Contact The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery today to schedule your consultation.