As the face ages, we develop problems with skin tone, pigmentation, and facial contour. We tend to lose the fullness in our face as we get older. This is visualized as toddlers with big full cheeks become lean adolescents. As we enter middle age, our face continues to lose volume and descend. This causes the formation of jowls, more prominent lines in our face, and sagging skin.
Modern medicine now offers multiple things to help stave off some of these early signs of aging. Botox® (or Dysport®, its main competitor), now a household word, offers reduction of the lines on our face caused by facial expression. These include the notorious frown lines (between our eyebrows) which are accentuated when we frown or squint, crow’s feet (lines at the sides of our eyes) when we smile, or forehead lines (when we raise our eyebrows). Botox can effectively reduce these lines and more, depending on the skill of the injector. Some additional off label uses include treatment of some neck lines, lines around the mouth, and shaping eyebrows. Effects are typically about 3 months in duration, but may increase with regular treatments.
Fillers encompass a wide range of substances, including hyaluronic acid fillers (Juvederm®, Restylane®, Perlane®) and other substances to fill in wrinkles, plump lips, and in some areas, add some volume. Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are supplied as pre-filled syringes and are typically sold that way. They are best at filling in well-defined lines and creases, much like caulk is used to fill in cracks. They allow for greater precision in well trained hands, and results can vary, depending on the skill of the injector. Its effects can last 9-12 months, depending on the product. Radiesse® is a calcium based product which is often used in place of the HA fillers as it touted a longer duration. However, the risks/side effects are more difficult to treat, and most certainly will depend on the skill of the injector.
One of our favorite products currently available is Sculptra®, which adds volume back to the face. If HA fillers are comparable to caulk, Sculptra® can be utilized as a pothole filler. Sculptra® allows volume replacement in the face in the areas of our choosing. This product stimulates the growth of collagen, and its effects have been seen for two years or longer.
While these procedures do not replace a facelift, they may be able to delay one.
The skill of the injector is paramount to obtaining good results. A skilled injector can maximize the effect of the non surgical facelift by placing it appropriately and efficiently so that your dollar is well spent. Our trained injectors have a keen eye for which areas are to be treated, and an aesthetic sense for how to improve the area.
Contact the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery today to schedule a consultation and learn more about Non surgical Facelift Orlando.