Male breast reduction is becoming more common with the rise in cases of gynecomastia. Men often seek plastic surgery in Orlando through the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery to remove excess breast tissue which develops from this condition. There are several potential causes of gynecomastia.
What Is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is an endocrine disorder that leads to the enlargement of glandular and fat tissue in male breasts. There is also an excess of breast skin and it can appear in one or both breasts. Gynecomastia can occur due to changes in eating habits, change in lifestyle, the aging process, new medications and new agricultural practices. Weight gain, changes in hormone levels and the consumption of alcohol are contributing factors to this condition.
Why Male Breast Reduction?
Men with enlarged breast tissue often become embarrassed about their appearance. Efforts to hide their chests include wearing oversized shirts or hesitating to be intimate with their partners. It causes men to have low self-confidence and can cause relationship issues. The most effective treatment is to reduce the size and reshape the breast area to achieve a flatter and more masculine physique. The most common treatment is plastic surgery in Orlando. Liposuction may be performed in conjunction or is sometimes effective as a standalone treatment for gynecomastia.
Benefits of Male Breast Reduction
Men who undergo treatment have increased confidence that can have a positive impact on their lives. Many become less embarrassment about their bodies and attain a greater self-confidence in intimate relationships. Gynecomastia can make it difficult to perform some physical activities. Male breast reduction can restore a greater range of motion for more satisfactory workouts at the gym as well as an improved physical performance. Male breast reduction can offer multiple benefits for physical and emotional improvement for men who are tired of feeling embarrassed about the appearance of their chests.
Who Qualifies for This Treatment?
Gynecomastia appears often in adolescent boys and adult males between the ages of 50 through 70 years. Breast reduction treatment is generally approved for males reaching the stage in life where the breast tissue has reached full development and is no longer growing. It may be hard to wait, but it is recommended for the best results. Adult men can opt for the treatment at any time of life if their overall physical health permits. Most males who are done growing and who are physically fit are good candidates for the treatment options for gynecomastia.
Where Can I Go for Male Breast Reduction Information?
If you’re interested in gaining a more masculine looking chest, the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery offers male breast reduction and body shaping plastic surgery in Orlando. We can help restore the shape and tone of your chest. We also perform a variety of other services for enhancing the appearance of both men and women. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your concerns. Our professional and caring staff will answer your questions and explain how our treatment options can help.