The National Association for Continence, NAFC ( states that 25 million Americans suffer from incontinence. Only one in 12 sufferers seek help because of embarrassment and other reasons. One third of women over the age of 40 experience at least one “accident” per week. The most common cause in this group relates to pregnancy and birthing. Although smoking and other factors contribute, most cases go untreated. Milder cases of incontinence are treated with Kegel exercises with only partial success in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. More severe cases may be treated with surgery. Help has arrived for this curse of motherhood via the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery (IAS)!
New high-tech methods of strengthening the pelvic floor may be the answer for many of these suffering patients. In fact, this technology is so new that the NAFC has not listed it among the various treatments on its website. Electromagnetic induction (EMI) will improve and sometimes even cure stress incontinence (SUI). This technology EMSella (translated electromagnetic chair) “work out” for the pelvic floor muscles is a simple, safe, painless treatment consisting of six sessions of simply sitting on an “energized” chair. Magnets in the seat of the chair like those found in an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) rhythmically and rapidly stimulate the pelvic floor muscles, thus inducing a workout-like tightening of the several muscles that are woven together to support the bladder and pelvic organs. The strength is restored to the sphincter muscle at the bladder outlet, thus improving voluntary control to urinary flow. It has been said that one 28-minute treatment (plan on doing 6 treatments in a 3-week period) with the EMSella (translated electromagnetic chair) is equal to 11,200 Kegel exercises. It is simple, safe, comfortable and does not even require the removal of clothing. Patients can read, watch TV or discuss their next plastic surgery treatment, but don’t bring your cell phone or iPad or you will be trading your bladder leakage for a broken device.
This amazing and wonderful (for those who suffer from leaks) technology EMI has many applications, and with other application devices, it can even shape your “booty” and etch your “abs.”