Richard O. Gregory, MD
Romeo added, according to Shakespeare, “Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?” The purpose of the question is to address the issues inherent in our language and specifically our labeling. Patients ask about facelifts, blepharoplasties, and other cosmetic procedures, Botox®, fillers, and lasers using a variety of terms. Even the word Botox® which is specific to the Allergan patented neuromuscular modulator is abused and in fact has had led to misuse in identifying products that were dangerous and even lethal.
Enthusiasm is generated by using catchy phrases, appealing names and the psychology of marketing. Many patients have been misled into the realm of unhappiness by a slick marketing ploy and the glitter of fame and success. This is particularly noticeable in our age of instant information. A graphic example is using the term facelift. The word facelift has been proven through the ages to mean the tightening of the tissues of the face. It is a useful base from which to start a discussion about how to improve the aging face, but it hardly completes the equation. Unfortunately, the concept is muddied by a variety of terms of which rather than being helpful in fact are misleading. This would include such things as the weekend facelifts, vampire facelift, neck lift (which implies that you can treat the neck without treating the face, a slight exaggeration) and others.
Certainly there are individuals who need less plastic surgery correction, but are they informed about the possibilities and permutations, the risks and rewards, and other complex concepts? This is the reason for seeking a board-certified plastic surgeon who is capable and experienced in doing a variety of cosmetic corrections for your specific problem. Thrown into the mix of considerations is the fact that your anatomy is different from all others which will seriously affect the possible outcome. In addition to genetics, you have a different life experience, different needs, different physical capabilities all of which are important and will determine the result of your cosmetic treatment. The essence of my thesis then is well informed by a person who is capable of helping your particular problem. For the further information contact Insitute of Aesthetic Surgery, where the accumulated knowledge and experience of a lifetime of plastic surgery will work to augment your happiness.