Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures available. It is popularly performed as a cosmetic procedure for those who are unsatisfied with the size or shape of their nose. They want to do something to improve their appearance and boost their self-confidence. However, there are many reasons one might consider to undergo this helpful procedure.
Rhinoplasty to Fix Medical Conditions
Rhinoplasty isn’t just a cosmetic procedure. While the surgery was once used to treat significant problems, the techniques used to perform it have developed so much that it can now fix a wide variety of problems. It can help repair noses that have been damaged or misshapen as a result of an injury. Patients in this situation might choose this procedure to simply look like themselves again. It can also treat nasal deformities and deviated septums, both of which may form later in life or have been present from birth. If you have a nasal condition that has reduced your quality of life, you may benefit from this procedure.
Rhinoplasty for Cosmetic Concerns
As a cosmetic procedure, rhinoplasty can completely transform your face by giving you a more aesthetically pleasing nose. Nose jobs are commonly performed to correct noses that are crooked, elongated, overarched or too large. While these issues typically do not affect the function or the health of the nose, they can have a negative impact on one’s self-esteem.
This is because the nose is such a prominent part of the face. When it is too large or misshapen, it can draw attention away from other facial features, which can do a lot to lower the affected person’s confidence. Even those who are perfectly happy with the rest of their body may lack the confidence they should have because they are uncomfortable with the look of their nose. For this reason, many people choose this surgery to address their concerns. As a result of their improved appearance, their self-esteem typically rises.
Is Rhinoplasty Right for Me?
Many people are good candidates for rhinoplasty. If you are unhappy with the size or shape of your nose, want to repair an injury or want to correct a deformity that is affecting your health, this procedure will likely be able to help you. Good candidates are also in good general health.
Of course, the best way to find out if this procedure is right for you is to schedule a consultation to discuss your concerns and goals. The Institute of Aesthetic Surgery offers rhinoplasty among our many cosmetic procedures. Located in Celebration, FL, we gladly provide patients in the Orlando area with expert service and care. To learn more about this effective procedure, contact our office today to schedule your consultation.